IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Atmospheric Motion Vectors and IWWG Matters: Report from the International Winds Working Group Presented to CGMS-44 Working Group II session, agenda item 4 Co-Chairs:Mary Forsythe (Met Office) Jaime Daniels (NOAA/NESDIS)
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) OUTLINE Planning for the 13 th International Winds Workshop (IWW13) Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations Other Items of Relevance to CGMS
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Planning for the 13 th International Winds Workshop (1/2) Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey, California USA Local Coordinator: Dr. Nancy Baker (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) Sponsored by: EUMETSAT, NOAA, WMO Co-chaired by: Mary Forsythe (Met Office) and Jaime Daniels (NOAA/NESDIS) Expect participants Sessions Covered: −Updates on operational products −Latest developments in AMV derivation −AMV quality and impact −Use of satellite derived winds in NWP −Hyperspectral and stereo-height AMVs −High resolution satellite-derived winds −Doppler wind lidar IWW13 Web page:
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Planning for the 13 th International Winds Workshop (2/2) Plenary Discussions – 3 rd AMV Inter-comparison study – AMV quality information from derivation – Review of WMO/OSCAR wind requirements Posters −Popular addition to winds workshops −Further facilitates interactions and discussions Working Groups – Wind extraction methods – Data assimilation IWW13 Web page:
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 5 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (1/7) CGMS43.A IWWG to define the experiments for the next AMV inter-comparison at the next IWW workshop in (HLPP #3.2.1) A key goal of these AMV inter-comparison studies is to learn and understand similarities and differences in AMVs produced at different operational centres, and ultimately, to improve their quality and consistency. For the 3rd AMV inter-comparison study it is proposed to use an image triplet from JMA’s Himawari-8/AHI, the first of the next generation series of geostationary imagers with higher spatial resolution, higher temporal resolution, and more spectral channels. – The new spectral channels will bear new information on cloud microphysics – The higher temporal resolution will be useful to better understand the characteristics of the tracked cloud. – IWWG will select image triplets from H-8/AHI golden day (August 19, 2015) data that the ICWG intends to use for its next cloud inter-comparison study o Cloud products well studied and characterized by ICWG members o Two typhoons with a multitude of different cloud regimes o CALIPSO data/products, collocated to H-8/AHI data, are available for validation
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 6 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (2/7) CGMS43.A IWWG to define the experiments for the next AMV inter-comparison at the next IWW workshop in (HLPP #3.2.1) To discuss at IWW13 Plenary Session – Use of image triplets with 10 minute and 2.5 minute temporal resolution – Which bands to use in experiments – Algorithm configurations to use in each experiment (prescribed vs. that used by each satellite operator) Great opportunity to cultivate interactions between IWWG and ICWG members
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 7 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (3/7) CGMS43.R ICWG and IWWG to liaise as appropriate on the provision of further information characterising the AMV derivation for enhanced QC and error characterisation. (HLPP #3.5.2 New AMV derivation schemes applied to the next generation of instruments are making use of pixel- based cloud products from new and improved cloud retrieval schemes New cloud retrieval schemes can provide – Improved cloud heights – cloud microphysical properties – Estimates of retrieval error Brings opportunities to improve QC and assignment of observation errors to AMVs Density plots of mean background speed against mean observation speed for NOAA derived GOES-R proxy derived winds using SEVIRI imagery for (left) all data (QI2>80) and (right) all data after an additional pressure error < 140 hPa filter is applied. The estimated cloud top pressure error is the median of the CTP errors associated with each pixel of the largest nested tracking cluster (Figure Credit: Met Office)
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 8 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (4/7) CGMS43.R IWWG to liaise with the application focal points in the WMO RRR process (on IPET-OSDE) to provide feedback on the winds-related observation requirements in the RRR database IWWG co-chair has discussed this topic with Dr. John Eyre, chair of the Inter Programme Expert Team on the Observing System Design and Evolution (IPETODSE) IWWG will ensure that – The requirements for wind measurements captured in OSCAR/Requirements represent our best current knowledge – These requirements are then brought to the attention of the space agencies as drivers for the development of future GEO systems Plenary session on the IWW13 agenda to discuss this topic
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 9 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (3/7) IWW Satellite operators to consider coordination of orbits for scatterometer instruments and to provide open and timely access to data in order to maximise independent coverage and benefits to nowcasting and NWP from assimilation of scatterometer wind data. Many missions planned around 0600 orbit ScatSat 0830 (OSCAT gap filling mission). Possibility to drift ~2hrs once launched. No Scat missions planned for 0300/1500 orbit Descending equator crossing time Need to fill Scatterometer wind data gaps and improve coverage through coordination
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 10 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (5/7) IWW IWWG community to agree a new standard BUFR template, which when rolled out should be adopted by all producers. Has been an active area of discussion and activity since IWW12. Several iterations on a new satellite winds BUFR sequence Working to define all the variables that need to be included in this sequence that will accommodate all the AMV algorithms from each of the satellite wind producers. We are working to use common approaches and variables to the extent possible to simplify and maximize the use of the wind observations. Plenary session on the IWW13 agenda to discuss this topic
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 11 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (6/7) IWW Continue research into improved derivation and assimilation of high resolution winds for use in high resolution data assimilation and nowcasting.ICWG and IWWG to liaise as appropriate on the provision of further information characterising the AMV derivation for enhanced QC and error characterisation. (HLPP #3.5.2) This is an important, exciting, but complex topic. Development of high resolution winds and an accompanying assimilation strategy are needed for improving forecasts of high impact weather events using high resolution models. The advent of the next generation geostationary imagers with higher spatial, temporal and spectral resolution will bring unprecedented opportunities to generate winds at smaller scales at higher cadence that can be used to improve the initialization of the atmospheric state within regional NWP systems.
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 12 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of IWW12 and CGMS-43 Recommendations (7/7) IWW Continue research into improved derivation and assimilation of high resolution winds for use in high resolution data assimilation and nowcasting.ICWG and IWWG to liaise as appropriate on the provision of further information characterising the AMV derivation for enhanced QC and error characterisation. (HLPP #3.5.2) Numerous ongoing research activities that involve the derivation of rapid scan AMVs and use of these AMVs in regional NWP – Himawari-8/AHI (JMA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, BoM) – GOES-14 super rapid (1-min) scan data (NOAA) – Metosat/SEVIRI rapid scan data (EUMETSAT, NWCSAF, Met Office) Dedicated session (“High Resolution Satellite-derived Winds”) in the IWW13 agenda IWWG wiki pages ( capture the challenges and ongoing research in this areahttps://groups.ssec.wisc.edu/groups/iwwg/activities)
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 13 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS A number of new and future satellite missions that are/will contribute to the generation of atmospheric wind observations JMA’s Himawari-8 (2014), ESA’s Aeolus Wind LIDAR (2016), CMA’s FY-2G (2014), NOAA’s GOES- R ABI (2016), EUMETSAT’s MSG-4 (June 2015), China‘s HY-2B (2015), JMA’s Himawari-9 (2016), ISRO’s SCATSAT (2015), ISRO’s Oceansat-3 scatterometer (2016), EUMETSAT’s Metop-C (2018), EUMETSAT’s MTG-I (2018), KMA’s Kompsat (2018), and China’s HY-2C (2019). Several new AMV derivation algorithms have been developed or are in development for the next generation of imagers JMA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, KMA Other items of relevance to CGMS (1/2)
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 14 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS There are several logical linkages between the CGMS International Science Working Groups and the IWWG continues to cultivate its interactions/collaborations with the ICWG. We would like confirm and recognize the newly selected IWWG co-chairs whose chairmanship begins after IWW13: –Regis Borde (EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany) –Steven Wanzong (University of Wisconsin/CIMSS, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) Other items of relevance to CGMS (2/2)
IWWG, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Slide: 15 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Further Information Please visit the IWWG Web page: