Operation Notes APEX Status Fulvia Pilat Machine Experiments Meeting January 20, 2009
MCR’ s top 10 wish list (from Greg Marr presentation at the Retreat 2008) Straightforward polarimetry identify responsible person for polarimeter operations identify list of operations and expert activities and measurements RHIC Injection without idiosyncrasies improvements BPMs A Ramp Manager/model that won’t foil tape, Lisa, OrbitDisplay, RampEditor… 2 task forces on Ramp software during the shutdown PASS that works faster PASS with less failure ACS group manpower increased over the shutdown, AGS/Booster upgrade planned Our fingers on the keyboard A fully revertible machine Lab-view applications that run and dump themselves One answer from one source A list of exceptions smaller than the list of rules
Retreat 08 – feedback from experiments Communication propose automatic notification from MCR of polarization measurement (phone calls not reliable). Results of Vernier scans Analyzed and delivered timely to machine and experiments No change of operations planning, configuration, especially before weekends make optimal use of Monday scheduling meeting Effective use of 9 o’clock meeting (and meetings in general) Communicate with experiments upfront, before system reports (Run coordinator) Make sure people from experiments are up-to-date on issues Control of backgrounds needs to improve Auto-orbit corrections every ½ hr affect backgrounds needs to be accompanied by auto collimator adjustments that follow orbit movement at collimators
APEX Run-8: studies with d-Au AIBS with decoupling transverse stochastic cooling ATest of ramp and operations with beta*< 0.8m + beta* measurements – 2 techniques + test of IP knobs 30+% luminosity A ORM Measurements beta beat correction (only partial) A Tune and chromatic drift correction at injection in operations A Collimation on the ramp ~operational A AC dipole optics measurements, corrections A Polarimeter profiles emittance at injection, store A Beta beat measurement corrections at injection, store A Injection drift correction operational now A Nonlinear chromaticity measurements A Electron cloud location performance limits A Stability threshold at transition performance limits B Energy Loss of Debunched Beam fundamental measurement B Au31+ in AGS operations RHIC low energy, GSI B Gold-77 in RHIC cooling (to be confirmed)
APEX Run-8: studies with P-P ABeta*=0.6m operations this run (luminosity) ANear integer WP not operational (without orbit control) ACollimation efficiency collimation system upgrade APolarimeter studies improvements needed for high bunch intensity AChromaticity measurement, feedback Hybrid Tune Tracker AImpedance localization data possible impedance reduction ACoherent spin precession design of RHIC spin flippers ARF phasing non operational for PP due to beam loading A Longitudinal Vernier scan operations optimization
APEX Run-8: what did not get done… only bigger “ticket items” d-Au: Convincing linear optics corrections (many attempts and progress but nothing operational yet….) (further) development of IBS lattice P-P: Spin experiments, in general Long-range beam beam study (wires) Demonstration of chromaticity feedback Optics for PP-2-PP
APEX Workshop December
APEX Workshop
Plans for Run-9 Program limited to P-P experiments 250 GeV5 weeks of physics 100 GeV~9 weeks of physics Deadline proposals: January 15 January 30 Asked to update status of Run-7 and 8 proposals Meeting AEAC: 1 st week in February Weekly APEX Friday Meetings resume January 23 Collection of APEX Results