Copyright © The Beyond Intractability Project Beyond Intractability is a Registered Trademark of the University of Colorado PowerPoint Summary of: Distributive Bargaining
Slide 2: Distributive Bargaining A competitive negotiation strategy also called “claiming value” or “zero sum” Used to decide how to distribute something of value Perception of a “fixed pie” (a fixed amount of “stuff” to be divided up) Assumes that the more one side gets, the less the other gets PowerPoint Summary of: Distributive Bargaining
Slide 3: Distributive and Integrative Bargaining Are not mutually exclusive! Eventually even expanded pies have to be divided A form of distributive bargaining is the last step of an integrative approach PowerPoint Summary of: Distributive Bargaining
Slide 4: Winning at Distributive Negotiation 1.Know yourself: Your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) Your goals Your interests Your resource limitations B T A N A PowerPoint Summary of: Distributive Bargaining
Slide 5: Winning at Distributive Negotiation 2.Know your opponent Their BATNA Their goals Their interests Their resource limitations B T A N A PowerPoint Summary of: Distributive Bargaining
Slide 6: Winning at Distributive Negotiation 3.Negotiate an agreement closer to your interests/goals without exceeding… Their BATNA Your resource limitations B T A N A PowerPoint Summary of: Distributive Bargaining