Negotiation Skills Scott D. LeDuc AT&T Local Network Services
“Negotiation” Defined Back-and-forth communication to reach agreement, when some interests are shared and some are opposed.
Changing the Game: Principled Negotiation
Principled Negotiation Strategy 1. Separate the People from the problem. 2. Focus on Interests behind positions. 3. Invent Options for mutual gain. 4. Insist on using Independent Standards. 5. Develop your BATNA.
Separate the People from the problem Perceptions Emotions Communications
Handling Perception Problems
Handling Emotions
Communicating Effectively
Focus on Interests behind positions Interest: a concern, aspiration, or fear that motivates a person to take a position. Types of Interests:
Questions To Uncover Interests Why is this important to you? What concerns do you have? What’s the real problem? Why not this?...
Inventing Options for mutual gain Option :
Successful Inventing of Options Invent before you judge. Invent a wide range of options. Involve others. Don’t let past success get in your way. Don’t assume a “fixed pie”.
Insist on using Independent Standards Standard: When using Standards:
Examples of Independent Standards Market value. Competitive offerings. Tradition/Equal treatment. Laws. Reciprocity. Seniority. Split the difference.
Develop your BATNA BATNA: When developing your BATNA:
Contact information Scott LeDuc Office number:(407)