Ms. Ambrosino’s Pumpkin Patch (: First Grade Addition and Subtraction
Addition- The Combining of two or more numbers to find the sum (total).
How many Pumpkins are in this picture? The answer is 6 pumpkins.
If we add 3 more pumpkins to our 6, How many pumpkins will we have? 9 Pumpkins
Sample Problem: Answer on your own sheet. If there are 5 pumpkins in the patch, how many more pumpkins will you need to add to have 8 pumpkins in the patch?
Now, Create your own Addition problem and Solve it!
Subtraction- To find the difference between two or more numbers.
If we have 8 pumpkins in our patch and subtract (take away) 2 pumpkins from the patch, How many pumpkins will we have left?
8-2= 6 pumpkins
On your own sheet… Draw a picture of how many pumpkins will be left if we had 5 pumpkins in our patch and (subtracted) took away 3 of those pumpkins!
Addition and Subtraction Using Pumpkins (: