By: Abby, Bella, Malik, Marie and Mowaz American Black Bears
Hello! Today we will be talking about the American Black Bear and what needs are not being met and how you can solve them. Hope you enjoy it! Introduction (Mowaz)
Basic Facts (Abby)
1.Habitat Loss Stop cutting down trees Black bears will increase 2.Shortage of water Stop hunting its prey. Supply of food will increase 3.Shortage of water Encourage people to stop polluting. They will have water to survive Basic needs/Problem Solutions Expected Outcomes
Habitat Loss Stop cutting down trees Make protected areas for black bears Shortage of food Don’t hunt a black bear’s prey such as: fish and deer Plant more plants such as: berry bushes, and nut trees Shortage of water Encourage people not to pollute or litter in the water Solutions (MJ)
These are all the needs and solutions to an American Black Bear. Now since you’ve seen 0ur presentation, wouldn’t you want to make a change? Help the American Black Bear! THE END (Bella)
Questions? (ALL)