Energy Conversion in Different Power Plants 18.3 Does not include hydro electric plants.
Solar Power plant Potential energy - sun Photovoltaic cells turn the sun’s energy into electric current. Advantages: is not polluting; and is free once plant is built; is totally renewable Disadvantages: Expensive to build; not all areas have an consistent enough supply of sunshine.
Fossil Fuel Plants Potential energy – Chemical energy originally from this sun locked in the fossil fuel deposit. Kinetic Energy – Fossil fuel is burned, generating heat to turn water into steam – Steam turns the turbine – Turbine turns the generator, inducing current flow. Advantages: Cheap readily available now Disadvantages: releases greenhouse gases into atmosphere; is not renewable
Nuclear Power plant Potential energy – Chemical energy originally locked in the radioactive metal rods. Kinetic Energy – Chemical reaction in the rods generates heat to turn water into steam – Steam flow turns the turbine – Turbine turns the generator, inducing current flow. Advantages: does not release greenhouse gases Disadvantages: small amount of radioactive waste are left over and must be disposed of safely
Wind Power plant Potential Energy – energy of position within a consistently windy region Kinetic Energy – blowing wind turns the turbine – Turning turbine spins the coil in the generator. Advantages: Non polluting and renewable Disadvantages: wind does not blow consistently everywhere.