Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW PLANNING UNION TRAINING FOR DECENT WORK PROMOTION from participation in the design, implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW PLANNING UNION TRAINING FOR DECENT WORK PROMOTION from participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of DWCPs and UNDAF PLANNING UNION TRAINING FOR DECENT WORK PROMOTION from participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of DWCPs and UNDAF Programme of Workers’ Activities- ACTRAV-ITC ACTRAV TURIN – LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW “DECENT WORK CUBED” Programme of Workers’ Activities- ACTRAV-ITC ACTRAV TURIN – LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN

FRAMEWORK Social Justice Declaration (SJD)  Members’ responsability to realize a strategy for SJD implementation  DWCP (within the UNDAF) with union participation HOW to make such participation EFFECTIVE? Through TRAINING! 3

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW OBJECTIVE contribute to strengthen unions’ capacity, to elaborate union strategies of DW promotion and MDG achievement, for effective and coordinated participation in decision-making processes at national and international levels. Planning union training for Decent Work promotion (DWCP and UNDAF) Planning union training for Decent Work promotion (DWCP and UNDAF)

UNION NEEDS 1) TUTTs (Trade Union Technical Teams) on DW 2) Collective construction of a METHODOLOGY OF UNION TRAINING  3) COOPERATION/ NETWORKS among unions at the National/International level 4) Promotion of FoA and gender perspective (Crosscutting issues) 5

Let’s take a while to understand the “CUBE” WHAT IT IS: the Cube is a proposal of UNION TRAINING PROGRAM on DW WHAT FOR: because unions underlined the need of training on DW to be – Planned and organized (otherwise, the interrelation of the 4 strategic axes of DW results very difficult to understand and implement through union action of DW promotion) – Count on a complete and flexible Training Program, with room for adaptation to union specificities. 6

TRAINING METHODOLOGY ACCORDING TO THE CUBE: MEANING OF “UNION TRAINING”: o as a PROCESS o as a TOOL for action  method “Practice – Theory – Improved Practice” Need of taylormade“TRAINING ROUTES”: – MULTIVARIANT (according to participants’ profiles, needs and time) – QUAD-POLAR (every training route –i.e. on ILS- highlights the interconnections with the other strategic axes and mainstreams gender perspective) 7

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW PRACTICE  THEORY  IMPROVED PRACTICE

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW ILS SOCIAL PROTECTION SOCIAL PROTECTION EMPLOYMENT UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB DW SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negotiation and Communication Techniques SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negotiation and Communication Techniques

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW ILS SOCIAL PROTECTION SOCIAL PROTECTION EMPLOYMENT UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB UNION TRAINING, FoA and CB DW DECENT WORK, DWCP and UNDAF DECENT WORK, DWCP and UNDAF DW SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negotiation and Communication Techniques SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negotiation and Communication Techniques

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW UNION ORGANIZATION, FoA and CB ILS EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL PROTECTION DW, DWCP and UNDAF SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negociation and Communication Techniques SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negociation and Communication Techniques

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW A)STRATEGIC AXES: Introductory Module on Union Organization, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Starting Module on Decent Work International Labour Standards Employment Social Protection CROSSCUTTING AXES : –Social Dialogue, Negotiation and Communication Techniques –Decent work in UN. –National and Subregional Contexts B) LEVELS: Basic Advanced I Advanced II According to target-participants’: Profile Priorities Time available

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW Strategic Axes Basic Level Advanced Level (I) Advanced Level (II) Promote and comply with the International Labour Standards, Fundamental Rights and Principles at work. Create further employment opportunities for women and men in order to provide them with a decent income and work. Enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all General knowledge of the ILO Normative System, (especially Fundamental Principles and Rights,) development, obligations of Member States and monitoring by the ILO. Integration of the International Rights and Principles in the DWCP. Concretion at the country level. Intervine in drafting and implementing the Decent Work Country Program. Diagnose employment in terms of both quality and quantity Labour, economic and social policies to improve working conditions in the framework of decent work I Labour, economic and social policies to improve working conditions in the framework of decent work II What we mean by social protection and social security Social Security systems: organization, structure, financing. Protection of health, motherhood, childhood and family Long and short-term economic benefits. Funding. Union participation in social protection Final Module: Decent Work in the world context: globalization and integration processes at the regional and international level. Social Dialogue, Negotiation and Communication Techniques Decent Work in the UN framework Module: Union Organization, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Deepening of the role of FoA as a necessary precondition to “start” speaking of DW at any level and to ensure fair and open dialogue, on equal terms, is a vehicle to develop the strategic objectives of DW as well as the association strategy itself Starting Module: Decent Work (TD) DW Agenda. Strategic Objectives. National Strategies and union participation. Integrating DW objectives in UN action: DW, DMG and UNDAF. Union training and DW. Starting Module: Decent Work (TD) DW Agenda. Strategic Objectives. National Strategies and union participation. Integrating DW objectives in UN action: DW, DMG and UNDAF. Union training and DW. GENDER MAINSTREAMING

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW SEE ALL MATERIALS AT: courses.itcilo.org/ es/td-al-cubo

Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe DW UNION ORGANIZATION, FoA and CB ILS EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL PROTECTION DW, DWCP and UNDAF SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negociation and Communication Techniques SOCIAL DIALOGUE Negociation and Communication Techniques