Korean War
Background 1945 after Truman dropped the bomb Japan surrendered to the allies. Russia was fighting Japan on the Asian continent as well. Korea was a colony of Japan. USSR invaded Korea in the North USA invaded from the south.
Background They meet at the 38 th parallel (latitude) and divided the country in two.
United Nations In 1945 the UN is formed. Had a general assembly that met every year. A security council that met more regularly on current issues. Security Council = Britain, USA, USSR and elected representatives from other countries.
U.N. UN decided that Korea was to have elections to choose a national government for the whole country and reunify. The US set up a parliament in the South based on Capitalism with the capital in Seoul. (Republic of Korea) The USSR set up a communist regime in the North with the capital of Pyongyang (People’s Democratic Republic of Korea.
The US and USSR withdraw troops but continue to fund and supply the Korean Militaries a civil war in Korea’s Neighbour, China, results in the formation of Communist government under Mao.
Start of War 1950 Both sides believed their government should rule the whole country. With the encouragement of USSR and China, North Korea, under Kim Il Sung, invaded the South.
UN Involvement China was represented at the UN by the former Capitalist regime. UN would not recognize the Communist government. USSR was absent from Security Council in protest.
Since USSR was not there to veto a resolution was passed saying the North broke peace and had to withdraw to the 38 th parallel again. North refused. Un called on its members to us force and the US was to lead the attack.
UN Involvement Truman was afraid that if Korea fell to Communism than so would Japan and other Capitalists countries. (Domino Theory). 16 countries supported the UN invasion of Korea including Canada. Truman chose General Macarthur to lead the force.
Events of the war
1 st phase June – Sept. North Korea pushes the South all the way back to a small corner of the country called Pusan.
2nd phase Macarthur organised a landing at Inchon. Effectively surrounds N Korean troops. Despite China’s warnings they cross the 38 th parallel.
3 rd phase US ignore China and push all the way to the Yalu River. This borders with China. Macarthur ignored Truman’s orders and began to approach the Yalu.
China enters the war. Pushes the force back past the 38 th parallel. Un counter Attack drives them back to the 38 th parallel. Armistice signed in 1953.