Time of Life Born in East New York on March 11, 1916 Had artistic ability at a young age Received 3 scholarships for art schools Stayed Devoted to his impoverished Polish family and took classes at night Went to WWII and drew army patterns Began writing children’s book as an outlet of his artistic ability Has published over 85 books
Best known for… Incorporating multi-cultural characters into a society that had never seen that before his special artistic techniques to portray his subjects in a unique manner. One of these was his blending of gouache with collage
Some of his works
Awards Caldecott for The Snowy Day Caldecott honors for Goggles The Silver Medallion from the University of Southern Mississippi for “Outstanding Service in the Field of Children’s Literature” Received the Child Study Association of American’s Children’s Books of the year award 14 times
EZRA JACK KEATS Never intended to write for children Changed the culture of children’s books Added real artistic ability to all his own books