REHABILITATION IN THE HOME South Metropolitan Area Health Service “There’s no place like home…”
What is RITH and what does it do? Early discharge allied health service substitutes hospital based care for home based care substitutes hospital based care for home based care Early discharge from hospitalEarly discharge from hospital Prevent admission to hospital (ED)Prevent admission to hospital (ED) Promote patient flow and therefore providing additional capacity in the health system. Promote patient flow and therefore providing additional capacity in the health system. Seven day a week service Short to medium term intervention
Benefits of RITH Provides care for patients in appropriate environment ↓ Infection ↑ Motivation Contextual environment Family/carer involvement Costing and easing demands on acute beds
The Team The Team Social Work Occupational Therapy PhysiotherapyDietitian Speech Pathologist Clinical Psychologist Medical Registrar Consultant Geriatrician Therapy Assistants Coordinator Area Manager Ward Clerks Admin Assistants
Social Work in RITH Counselling Advocacy Psychosocial Assessment Education and information Referral to agencies Implementation of services Consultation to RITH staff Practical assistance And more!
Motivational Interviewing Determination Action Maintenance Relapse Contemplation Stages of Change Prochaska and Di Clemente Therapy is more effective in the Action and Maintenance stage.
Thank You Questions / Feedback? Mel Johnson Jill Hawkins RITH