Wednesday, March 16
Fun Facts about the Middle Age’s Feudal System o Around 90 percent of the people worked the land as peasants. o Peasants worked hard and died young. Most were dead before they reached 30 years old. o The kings believed they were given the right to rule by God. This was called "divine right.” o The Lord held absolute power over the fief or manor including holding court and deciding punishments for crimes.
Brainpop- Feudalism
The Transition from Feudalism to Nationalism Notes Needed for ISN Page 48 Feudalism is a political and social system for kings and nobles to hold on to their land and power during warfare. Because of famine and disease (Black death), there was a decrease in workers. Because there was a decrease in workers, they demanded more power and rights. Because they demanded more power, the people were able to become merchants and craftsmen known as the middle class. Because of the middle class, towns and cities began to grow. Because of this growth, power changed from owning land to having money. Because of success of the middle class, people had a feeling of pride and belonging to their country which is known as Nationalism.
The Transition from Feudalism to Nationalism Notes Needed for ISN Page 48 Nationalism: A belief in the importance of your country or a feeling that you are proud to belong to your country. Devotion to their country and patriotism The feudal society of Europe left the ideals of loyalty and honor which remain strong to this day. Another legacy of the European Middle Ages is surnames, or family names. Many European family names have medieval origins. For example, a person took a family name from his or her job. Family names such as Baker, Carpenter, Cook, and Taylor are still common today. Many medieval structures such as churches and castles still stand in Europe. One of the most powerful institutions during this time was the Catholic Church, which remains very active to this day.
PRACTICE & BE PREPARED for YOUR QUIZ For the QUIZ on Friday, you will be given a half sheet of lined paper and expected to write a paragraph describing the transition from Feudalism to Nationalism during the Middle Ages. To prepare, PRACTICE writing your paragraph using your notes from class. In your ISN p. 49, draft a paragraph describing the transition from Feudalism to Nationalism based on the notes you recorded during class on ISN page. After you write your paragraph, PRACTICE reading it aloud to yourself and family members. On Thursday, try to write your paragraph WITHOUT looking at your ISN notes and ask yourself, are you prepared to do your best?