P.B.I.S. Project Illustrated and Authorized By: Kadreonna Brumfield
When you first walk in technology class, what’s the voice level and what supplies should you have? The voice level that you’re supposed to be at at all times is zero. When you come to class you’re supposed to bring your technology folder (with paper), pen or pencil, and a pair of headphones.
Where is your booksack supposed to go when you are done unpacking? When you are done unpacking, your belongings, you are supposed to place your booksack and purses in crates below front board.
What does the technology teacher reward you with for good behavior? When you’ve done the right thing, the teacher rewards you with the following Consequences: 1) Gives out Techie tickets (wants you to write your first and last name on Techie tickets) 2)picks up Techie tickets before the hour is over with 3)Gives you either a pencil, pen, paper, folder, notebook, or a piece of candy.
What does the technology teacher reward you with when you don’t do the right thing? When you don’t do the right thing, the teacher rewards you with: 1)A written referral that has to be reported to the office 2) A call home to your mother, saying that you have been written up 3) Gets dealt with by the parent, administrator, or principal
When an adult is talking to you in the technology class, what are you supposed to do? Well, when an adult is talking to you, the main things that you should be doing are: 1) paying attention to what they are saying 2) you shouldn’t be talking 3) hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
If you wew to get out of your seat, will you be breaking a rule? If you get out of your seat without permission, yes you will be breaking a rule because the teacher didn’t instruct you to get out of your seat for any reason.
When you need an supplies from the technology teacher, what are you supposed to do? You are supposed to raise your hand with your mouth close and your feet, hands, and other belongings to yourself.
When it’s time for dismissal, what are you suppose to do? When it’s dismissal time, you wait until you are called upon to pack up, then return quietly to your seat and wait until the teacher calls your name or bus number.