Alzheimer’s Disease What is Alzheimer’s Disease and what happens to the brain of someone affected by the disease?
Introduction Changes Cell death 2013 – 44,35 million 2030 – 75,62 million 2050 – 135,46 million
The affects on the brain and symptoms Nerve cells – signal system – formation of memories, thoughts and feelings. Brain activity change – disruption of nerve cell communication Plaques and Tangles Early stage – difficulties in learning, thinking, planning and memory. Mild to moderate stages – difficulties in speaking, understanding, location and coordination. Severe stage – Brain shrinkage. Difficulties in comunication, recognizing family. Unable to take care of themselves.
Risk factors Age Inheritance Genes High blood pressure, coronary artery diseases, diabetes & cholesterol Female Severe head injuries Low educational level
Medication and treatment Cholinesterase inhibitors Memantine Non-Medication treatment Suggestions for reducing the risks
Summary Cause: Death in brain cell Type: Severe Affects: Mainly elderly Cure: No, reserach in progress
Sources Crystal, Howard., Shiel Jr, William C. and Marks, Jay W. (2013) Alzheimer’s Disease Causes, Stages and Symptoms (Cont.) pp 4, 8 & Alzheimer’s Association. Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour Alzheimer’s Association. Medications for Memory Loss Prince, Martin., Guerchet, Maëlenn. and Prina, Matthew. (December 2013) Policy Brief for Heads of Government The Global Impact of Dementia 2013–2050, p3 Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), London. Nordqvist, Christian. (Tuesday 23 July 2013) How to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Medical News Today.