Electronic Book or Brochure OBJECTIVE: Today we are using main idea and details about a place we want to visit with digital technologies and text features to create an electronic book or brochure.
Electronic Book or Brochure BENCHMARK: LA Text Features: use information from text to main idea, details, and logical order. BENCHMARK: LA Author’s Purpose: analyze the author’s purpose for the electronic brochure or book.
Persuade your audience to visit your dream vacation by making a brochure Your brochure will focus on text features Petals
Let’s take a look at a place I would like to go and why I think you would enjoy it? Location /Geography / Climate / Population
Discuss your dream spots and its Culture Food Religion Education preferences Popular hobbies Popular sports
The travel brochure must include: Text features referencing the vacation of your choice. For example: Maps, Captions, Bold Print, Illustrations, Pictures, Bullets, etc.
Brochure Template Title for cover & table of contents __________________________________________________________ Text for the first page Describe the location you chose. (For example, where is this place located? What type of weather does this location have? What are the physical elements of your location—is it near a lake, near mountains? Why did you choose this location?) ________________________________________________________________________________ Text for page 2 Describe the attractions that might bring tourists to this location. (For example, what types of recreation are available? What can you do for fun? Are there any historical places located here?) ________________________________________________________________________________ Text for page 3 List your reference resources here / and glossary. ________________________________________________________________________________
Grade Sheet or we can do a Rubric ______Map of the country ______Culture ______Food ______History ______Education ______Hobbies ______Sports ______Religion Text Features ______Table of Contents ______ Title ______Bold print ______Pictures ______illustrations ______Captions ______Glossary ______ References
Steps to start your Electronic Book / Brochure
Step 1 Search your topic using web page searches Google Yahoo Info should be on Culture, climate, education, demographics (religion, health, languages). Images should be searched last
Place of choice is your topic to be searched Eg. Costa Rica is the place I want you to see Open up a Microsoft word documents ( go to start, all programs, Microsoft then click Microsoft Word documents). Step 1 continued
Step 2 Select desired information about your topic. Copy and paste information found in a word document, so it can be transferred in to your actual project.
Step 3 Get images (separate account from document) and text features to relate to your document Culture (food, sports, hobbies, cloths), climate, education, demographics (religion, health, languages) I will also include a few examples of the electronic books.
Costa Rica
Table of Contents Pg. 1Cover Pg. 2Table of Contents Pg. 3Costa Rica Intro Pg. 4Costa Rica Intro continued Pg. 5Food Pg. 6Agriculture Pg. 7Wild Life Pg. 8References Pg. 9Credits
Costa Rica Costa Rica means rich coast and has seven provinces. The provinces are: 1. Alajuela 2. Cartago 3. Guanacaste 4. Heredia 5. Limón 6. Puntarenas 7. San José
Costa Rica Intro continued Costa Rica is a rich in …….. Give more details Add more details
Costa Rican Cuisine Costa Rican cuisine is a blend of Native American, Spanish, African and many other cuisine origins. They have traditional meals like tamale and other dishes made of corn. Costa Rican cuisine today is varied due to the African flavors and other Caribbean mixed flavors.
Agriculture Give info here…… Add another detail Give a last detail
Wildlife Details are included here
References ormacion.asp ormacion.asp _profiles/ stm _profiles/ stm
Credits Map done by BBC news Cover created by….. Pictures by……. Sound by….. Video by…..