WHERE DO VOLCANOS OCCUR? Chile Hawaii Costa Rica Alaska California Canada
WHAT CONDITIONS DO VOLCANOES MAKE? Hurts people really bad Destroys the area around it Magma or hot lava blow up Destroys nature Spew steam, ash, lava and toxic gases
HOW DOES A VOLCANO ERUPT? The Magma builds up in the volcano The Magma puts presser Rocks melt into Magma
Barren Island, Indian Ocean 2010 Bezymianny, Kamchatka, Russia 2011 Chaiten, Chile – 2008 Piton de la Fournaise, France 2010 Fukutoku-Okanoba, Japan 2010 Grimsvotn, Iceland 2010 Katla, Iceland 2011 Kirishima, Japan 2010 Nabro, Eritrea 2011
FUN FACTS Up to 50 erupt each year The word volcano comes from the name Roman God of Fire Some volcanoes are on the ocean floor in Iceland Eruptions can send ash high into the air The biggest volcano is on Mars called Olympus Mons
WHAT CAN VOLCANOES DO TO PEOPLE? They can cover people in ash if they did not already die of suffocation They can kill people They can really hurt people
THE END Thanks for watching!