Chapter 6 Review
Section 1
1. What is a Precedent? An example set for the future George Washington set a PRECEDENT when he served for only 2 terms George Washington set a PRECEDENT when he decided to remain neutral in the French/British War
2. What role did Martha Washington play in the new nation? She ran the presidential household in terms of parties but did not have any influence when it came to making decisions about the country or advising her husband
3. What is Republican Motherhood? The idea that women play an important role in teaching their children to be good citizens Also, this meant that women did not play an active role in politics
4. Who were the members of Washington’s Cabinet and what were their roles? Alexander Hamilton- Secretary of the Treasury Thomas Jefferson- Secretary of State Henry Knox- Secretary of War
5. In 1790, what 3 things did Americans expect their government to do? Improve Trade Expected the government to protect them Keep the economy stable
Section 2
6. What is the national debt? Debt to Foreign Countries – Because of the Revolutionary War AND Debt to U.S. Citizens – Because of bonds
IssuesAlexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson National Debt-Pay foreign debt first -Pay bonds later -Pay bonds first Best Type of Government-Strong National Gov.-Believed in State’s Rights - Nature of People and Democracy -Only the wealthy should rule bc they are the only educated ones -The people should have the most say in the government Ideal Economy-Manufacturing, business,-Farming/Agriculture Tariffs-Higher tariffs on foreign goods to encourage people to buy American goods -Lower tariffs to help farmers succeed
IssuesAlexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson National Bank-Create a national bank-No national bank -Made the national gov. too powerful Interpreting the Constitution -Loose construction-Strict construction Political Party-Federalist-Democratic Republican (Republican)
Section 3
8. What did the Treaty of Greenville do? Settled conflict with Native Americans and American settlement in the Northwest Frontier
9. What treaty addressed American settlers disputes over the Florida border with Spain? Pickney’s Treaty Settled the Florida border between the U.S. and Spain
10. What did the British provide American Indians in the Northwest Frontier that threatened American expansion? The British supplied the American Indians with guns/weapons
11. How did the Whiskey Rebellion end? Most of the troops ran away when they heard Washington was leading an army to them
12. What was the Neutrality Proclamation? George Washington’s statement that America would not take sides in disputes between European countries
Quick Write 1.Do not form Political Parties – Washington saw the issues between Hamilton and Jefferson in his cabinet – Weakened the national government 2.Remain Neutral - Great Britain and France were at war during Washington’s presidency – Getting involved in international disputes could damage the U.S. and create enemies 3.Do not get in debt – Washington was unable to pay off the total debt – Saw how it would hurt future generations