Under The Hood 2 nd Period Amazing Kevin’s Hi
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Software A software system is a system of intercommunicating components based on software forming part of a computer system (a combination of hardware and software). It "consists of a number of separate programs, configuration files, which are used to set up these programs, system documentation, which describes the structure of the system, and user documentation, which explains how to use the system". An application is a program or group of programs designed for end users. Application software can be divided into two general classes: systems software and applications software. Systems software consists of low-level programs that interact with the computer at a very basic level. This includes operating systems, compilers, and utilities for managing computer resources. Data are values of qualitative or quantitative variables, belonging to a set of items. Data in computing (or data processing) are often represented by a combination of items organized in rows and multiple variables organized in columns.
HardWare Monitor- The monitor is used to view what you are doing on your computer. Compact Disk Drive- A compact disk drive is Like a DVD in the sense that they both contain a form of data. When the CD is inserted into the drive, the computer reads the disk and it transmits it just like a floppy disk. Hard drive- It is a device that stores and retrieving digital information mostly computer data. Key board- The key board is the first input device for a PC. As you type on the keyboard the words appear on the screen. This is how your produce a word document. Mouse- A mouse allows you to move an arrow on the screen and click on anything you want.
Hardware Speakers- They project the sound from the computer. Sound card- A sound card allows a computer to create and record real, high-quality sound. PSU (Power supply unit)- The power supply unit's job is to convert the power provided from the outlet into usable power for the many parts inside the computer case. PC case- A PC case is a thin piece of metal that covers the motherboard power supply, and various drives. Floppy disk drive- a floppy disk drive reads and writes data to a small, circular piece of metal-coated plastic similar to audio cassette tape.
Measurement Terms Bit-0 or 1 Byte- 8 Bits Kilobyte(Kb)-1024 Bytes Megabyte(Mb)-1024 Kbs Gigabyte(Gb)-1024 Mbs Terrabyte(Tb)-1024 Gbs Petabyte(Pb)-1024 Tbs Exabyte(Eb)-1024 Pbs Zettabyte(Zb)-1024 Ebs Ram-random access memory, a type of computer memory that can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes
Companies Apple- Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple computer. (1976) Hp- Hewlett Packard founded Hp. (1939) Sony- Was founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita. (1946) Acer- Stan Shih founded acer. (1976) Dell- Michael S. Dell founded The computer company Dell. (1984)
First Laptop/Pc PC- In July of 1980, IBM representatives met for the first time with Microsoft's Bill Gates to talk about writing an operating system for IBM's new hush-hush "personal" computer. IBM had been observing the growing personal computer market for some time. They had already made one dismal attempt to crack the market with their IBM At one point, IBM considered buying the fledgling game company Atari to commandeer Atari's early line of personal computers. However, IBM decided to stick with making their own personal computer line and developed a brand new operating system to go with. Laptop-The laptop was invented by Adam Osborne in It was called 'Osborne 1' and cost $1,795. It came bundled with $1,500 worth of programs. It had a tiny computer screen built into it. It was invented by Osborne Computers. The first portable computer was a success, with sales reaching 10,000 units a month. IBM launched the IBM 5155 Portable Personal Computer in In 1988, Compaq Computer launched the first laptop PC with VGA graphics, Compaq SLT/286. In 1989, NEC released Ultra Lite, which was the first 'laptop' computer. Weighting under 5 lbs, it was the precursor of today's models.
Virus A computer virus is created when a programmer creates computer code that has the capability to replicate itself, hide, watch for a certain event to occur, and/or deliver a destructive payload on a disk or in a computer program. Viruses can attach themselves to just about any type of file and are spread as infected files are used by other computers. Some viruses are relatively harmless, while others are very devastating. They can destroy files, software, program applications, and cause the loss of data. A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. A worm makes copies of itself on a computer, rather than infecting other files like viruses. A program or algorithm that replicates itself over a computer network and usually performs malicious actions A Trojan is a program that secretly installs itself on a computer and opens a back door to the computer so that malicious attacks can be remotely controlled. The actual Trojan is usually not damaging at first, but it is usually accompanied by other damaging programs. A destructive program that masquerades as a benign application.
Events 1.The Designs of Charles Babbage In the mid 1800's Charles Babbage designed his first computers. These were: Engine No. 1, Difference Engine No. 2, and the Analytical Engine. However, Babbage never produced his designs. Although Charles Babbage’s computers offer almost no resemblance to the modern computers that we use today many of Babbage’s ideas were instrumental in the development of the modern computer. 2. The 1st Binary Computer Is Developed In 1938 the 1st binary computer, Konrad Zuse’s Z1, was developed and produced. This computer laid the foundation for the development of the 1st electro-mechanical computer (like the Bombes– A WWII computer used to decrypt German Codes), before this time all computer were just mechanical. 3. The Development of the Electro- Mechanical Computer WWII brought about much destruction and devastation, but it also brought about much invention and innovation including the 1stpurely electronic computer the Colossus. What was the Colossus? The Colossus was a computer developed on the premises of being able to decode and decrypt secret German codes during WWII. Some of And Boolean Algebra. Another early electronic computer of important significance is the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental MACHINE; also known as “The Baby.” "The Baby” was significant because it was one of the first computers to use a type of RAM or Random Access Memory. 4. The Introduction of RAM In 1970 Intel introduced today's most common form of RAM (Random-Access Memory) in the 1103 Chip. What is RAM? RAM is an extremely essential part of the modern computer. RAM is important because it allows for extra storage space on your computer, most importantly it helps read coding / data for the CPU (central processing unit). 5. Computers Hit the Commercial Market After WWII, in the 1950’s, computer for the commercial use began to become produced. Some commercial uses of this new technology were: Banking and Accounting. One major investor in these new computers was the J. Lyons Company, which focused on the innovation of commercial computing processes. In fact, the J. Lyons Company produced the first commercial computer that was used to run a daily office routine. 6. The Era of the Transistor Computer The next major advancement in computer was the transistor computer. This advancement impacted computer because they were able to become more compact or smaller in size due to the fact that vacuum tubes were being replaced with transistors.
7. The Creation of the Microchip and the Microprocessor In the 1960’s computer technology took a drastic leap with the development, production, and use of the microchip and the microprocessor. This technology is most significantly noted because it allowed the computer to become smaller in size. most people believe that this technology changed was one of the major components that led to the personal computer. The microchip and microprocessor are two very important components to the development of the modern computer. These two new computer components revolutionized computer forever by allowing them to become smaller in size and more powerful in their computing capabilities. 8. Apple is Founded In 1976 Apple was co-founded by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Apple started out as a small hobbyist group that built pre-assembled computers for a store knows as the Byte Shop. As the group built more and more computers the designs and powers of the computers they built rapidly improved. In 1997 Apple was given a large sum of money by Mike Markkula, this helped to found the Apple Company and later that year Apple launched the Apple II, a revolutionary computer for its time. Apple was the first company to use a GUI interface. In 1984 Apple expanded is popularity with the launch of the Apple Macintosh, one of the most user friendly computer of the time. Today Apple is one of the computer leaders in the world and its innovation is still seen in many of its newer products like the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. 9. Apple II The 1970’s the personal computer was born and brought about major change in how we know of and think of the computer today. A notable computer of this era was the Apple II, which had full color graphics. It was so popular, at the time, that over four million Apple II’s were eventually sold to consumers worldwide. Apple II was released in June Some of its features included: a color display, a built in keyboard, casing for the computer to protect it, a fully programmed computer, expansion slots (used for the expansion of memory, processing, acceleration, and graphics). 10. The Portable Computer and Mobile Devices So what could be more significant than the advancement in personal computer? The answer to this question is the advancement in personal portable computer. Between the 1980’s and the 1900’s the notebook and laptop made their mark in the history of computers. The first personal portable computer for the consumer was the Osborne I, which was came to market in Another significant development in computer technology was the development of a flip form laptop. The first of its kind was the Gavilan SC, produced in 1983.In the 2000’s computers were revolutionized with the development of Smart phones and Net books.
Biblography viruses.htm#typescvhttp:// viruses.htm#typescv events.htmlhttp://computeressentials.weebly.com/top-10- events.html