PowerPoint by Olivia Maitland
First we have…………. Neil ARMSTRONG !
Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong was one of the most famous scientists ever. He was born in 1930, In Ohio. From a very young age, he was interested in flying. When he was fifteen, he took flying lessons. He actually earned the money for the lessons himself. Neil received his pilot's license before he got his driver's license. At nineteen, he enlisted in the Navy. After the Korean war, Neil graduated from Purdue with a bachelor's in Engineering. Later he received a master's in Aerospace Engineering. Neil was now a test pilot for NASA. Neil Armstrong, "Buzz" Adrian, and Michael Collins were chosen to fly Apollo 11 to the moon. He actually had the privilege of being the first human to set foot on another planet! A plaque was placed on the moon, reading, "We came in peace for all of mankind.“ The event was televised and many pictures of the Earth and the moon's landscape were taken. After the three astronauts came home, there were celebrations all over the world! Neil Armstrong received the Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Space Medal of Honor, the NASA Distinguished Service Award, the NASA Exceptional Service Award, and seventeen other medals from countries around the world.
Next is ….. John Glenn!!..
John Glenn was born on July 18, 1921, in Cambridge, Ohio. His family moved to New Concord before he began school. After graduating from high school, he entered at Muskingum College. In 1943, Glenn was commissioned in the Marine Corps. Between World War II and the Korean War, he flew 149 missions and earned six Distinguished Flying Crosses and an Air Medal with eighteen clusters. Glenn became a test pilot for the Navy and Marine's attack aircraft. The US Space Program chose him to be one of the first seven astronauts in In February of 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth. The Space Congressional Medal of Honor was given to him. John Glenn
Last but not least is……….. Buzz Adrian !!
Buzz Adrian Buzz Adrian was born on January 20, 1930 in Montclair, New Jersey. He flew sixty-six combat missions in Korea. After returning to the United States, he received a Doctorate in Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He devised techniques for manned space rendezvous that were used in NASA missions. Buzz was chosen by NASA to be an astronaut in late He went up into space and, along with Neil Armstrong, became the second man to walk on another world. The Presidential Medal of Freedom was given to both Armstrong and him. He married Lois Driggs Cannon and had six children. Buzz patented a space station design he created. Three years later, he published his first sci-fi novel, Encounter With Tiber. He resides in Sun Valley, Idaho.
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