Aerospace Structures Laboratory Seoul National University School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering A erospace S tructures aboratory L Mechanics of Aerospace Structures TA Class DIAMOND/IPSAP
Aerospace Structures Laboratory Solid Mechanics 2D Shear Lag Points : (0,0,0),(80,0,0),(0,5,0), (80,5,0),(0,10,0),(80,10,0) Panel : 40*160 Nodes E = 1e7, Poisson Ratio = 0.25 Thickness = 0.1 Boundary Conditions : Fix top nodes & bottom nodes Force = (-1000,0,0) Stringer : 160 Nodes E = 1e7, Poisson Ratio = 0.25 Iy = Iz = A/4 J = A/2, Bar orientation = (0,0,1)
Aerospace Structures Laboratory Solid Mechanics 2D Shear Lag
Aerospace Structures Laboratory Solid Mechanics Restraint Effects 1.Download input file “” in or Make input file of Example Modify boundary conditions case 1. free to warp case 2. warping is prohibited
Aerospace Structures Laboratory Solid Mechanics Restraint Effects Von mises stress distribution if beam is free to warp Shear stress distribution if beam is free to warp
Aerospace Structures Laboratory Solid Mechanics Restraint Effects Von mises stress distribution if warping is prohibited Shear stress distribution if warping is prohibited