CHAPTER 26 The Cold War
SECTION 1 Origins of the Cold War
I. Explain why 1945 was a critical year in international relations and how it was followed by conflicting postwar goals. A – A critical year 1. Differences at Yalta a. Germany would be divided, creating East Germany and West Germany b. Poland – Roosevelt and Churchill clashed with Stalin over his refusal to allow elections 2. The United Nations (U.N.) a. A new peacekeeping organization replacing the League of Nations b. The U.N. received U.S. Congressional support
West Germany / East Germany
I. Explain why 1945 was a critical year in international relations and how it was followed by conflicting postwar goals. A – A critical year 3. Truman takes command a. FDR’s Vice President for only 82 days 4. Potsdam Conference a. Truman met Stalin in Potsdam (a suburb of Berlin) b. America had a new strategic advantage (atomic bomb) both Truman and Stalin use “poker face” strategies
I. Explain why 1945 was a critical year in international relations and how it was followed by conflicting postwar goals. B. Conflicting Postwar Goals 1. American View a. Democracy and Economic opportunities 2. Soviet View a. Determined to rebuild in ways that would protect its own interests b. Satellite Nations – countries subject to Soviet domination
II. Describe how the Soviet Union tightened its control over Eastern Europe. A. After the war, the Soviet Union quickly took control of several Eastern European countries. B. Stalin was determined that Germany would never threaten his nation again.
III. Identify the iron curtain and how it led to containment policy and the Truman Doctrine. A. Iron Curtain – wall of Soviet oppression surrounding Eastern European nations. B. Cold War 1. Competition for power and influence in the world. 2. For nearly 50 years, the Cold War was characterized by political conflict and military tension.
III. Identify the iron curtain and how it led to containment policy and the Truman Doctrine. C. Containment 1. Resistance to Soviet attempts at expanding Communism. 2. United States adopts a policy to “contain” Communism. 3. Cornerstone of American foreign policy.
III. Identify the iron curtain and how it led to containment policy and the Truman Doctrine. D. Truman Doctrine 1. Suffering from the economic devastation of WWII, Britain announced in Feb “handed the job of world leadership, with all its burdens and all its glory, to the United States” 2. Truman Doctrine – U. S. would support nations that were being threatened by Communism – Greece and Turkey
SECTION 2 The Cold War Abroad and at Home
I. Explain how the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift, and the creation of NATO helped achieve American goals in postwar Europe. A. Marshall Plan 1. American program for helping Western Europe recover. 2. Goal: to create stable democracies that could resist Communism 3. U.S. supported with financial aid - $13Billion
I. Explain how the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift, and the creation of NATO helped achieve American goals in postwar Europe. B. Berlin Airlift 1. Berlin – East Berlin was Communist West Berlin was Capitalist Berlin was a symbol of the Cold War 2. Soviet Union tried to force the Allies to abandon East Berlin to close an escape route to the West 3. Means of transporting supplies around a Soviet blockade by plane.
I. Explain how the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift, and the creation of NATO helped achieve American goals in postwar Europe. C. NATO 1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2. Collective Security – mutual military assistance 3. Nations joined NATO in 1949 to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression 4. Warsaw Pact – Soviet response to NATO – military alliance with Satellite Nations
II. Assess the impact of two Communist advances on American foreign policy. A. Soviet Atomic Threat 1. Truman reacted by Soviet’s deployment of an atomic bomb by approving the development of an even more powerful bomb – the hydrogen bomb.
II. Assess the impact of two Communist advances on American foreign policy. B. China falls to Communism 1. Mao Zedong – Communist who organized the poor, discontent peasants to start a civil war 2. China stayed out of WWII 3. China was ignored by the U.S. 4. Mao Zedong created the People’s Republic of China as a Communist state 5. Jiang fled to Taiwan – Republic of China 6. U.S. Congress called for the protection of the rest of Asia from Communism.
III. Summarize the effects of the Cold War on American life. A. American Communist – political organization during Great Depression (Red Scare conspiracy to overthrow the government). B. HUAC – committee that probed Communist infiltration of government 1. targeted Hollywood filmmaking 2. Hollywood Ten – blacklisted or agreed not to hire
III. Summarize the effects of the Cold War on American life. C. McCarran-Walter Act established a quota (limit) system for each country, discriminating against immigrants from Asia and South/Central Europe D. Spy Cases 1. Alger Hiss – former State Depart. Official 2. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg – accused and convicted of espionage and were executed
SECTION 3 The Cold War Expands
I. Describe General Douglas MacArthur and his role in the Korean War. A. General Douglas MacArthur 1. Strong anti-Communist 2. Served in WWI, Philippines, WWII, Japan, and Korea 3. Hero to the American public 4. Not a lot of respect for authority 5. Excellent military strategist
I. Describe General Douglas MacArthur and his role in the Korean War. B. Korean War 1. Conflict over the control of the Korean peninsula ( ) th Parallel divided Korea a. North Korea – Soviets and China – Communist b. South Korea – U.S. and the U.N. – pro American 3. North Korea aimed to reunite Korea by force
I. Describe General Douglas MacArthur and his role in the Korean War. B. Korean War 4. General Douglas MacArthur a. Attacked enemy supply lines from behind b. U.N. success led Chinese to issue warning to not advance any further North – a stalemate developed c. Truman opposed MacArthur’s strategy of supporting an attack on mainland China. d. Truman fired MacArthur for insubordination
II. Analyze the effects of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s anti- Communist campaign. A. Senator Joseph McCarthy 1. Claimed 205 members of the State Department was Communists 2. Rise to Power a. McCarthy made accusations of conspiracy b. hysteria 3. McCarthy’s Fall a. Army-McCarthy hearings b. Power faded shortly after he appeared on television in the hearings
III. Trace the developments of the Cold War and the arms race of the 1950s. A. 1950s 1. Truman out – Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953 2. John Foster Dulles – Sec. of State – was very anti-Communists 3. Eisenhower continued policy of containment B. Southeast Asia 1. Korean War ended with no success 2. Vietnam War began to unfold 3. Domino Effect – if one country falls to Communism, its neighbors would soon follow
III. Trace the developments of the Cold War and the arms race of the 1950s. C. The Middle East 1. Palestine Territory was home of Jewish people 2. New nation of Israel is created in 1948 and Palestinian territory (Arabs) reduced 3. Conflict over Israel (supported by U.S) and Arabs (supported by Soviets) begins 4. Arabs controlled oil-rich land, so the U.S. also wanted to prevent Communism 5. Under Eisenhower, the U.S. opposed Soviet influence in the Middle East
III. Trace the developments of the Cold War and the arms race of the 1950s. D. Latin America 1. Cuba (1958) a. Fidel Castro seized American property in Cuba b. President Eisenhower stopped trade with Cuba c. Cuba turned to the Soviets for economic and military aid
III. Trace the developments of the Cold War and the arms race of the 1950s. E. Arms Race 1. Arms race – is the struggle to gain weapons superiority 2. Soviets led by Khrushchev developed a hydrogen device of its own 3. U.S. tested more hydrogen bombs that were 750 times as powerful as atomic bombs 4. Brinkmanship – policy of risking war in order to protect national interests
III. Trace the developments of the Cold War and the arms race of the 1950s. E. Arms Race 5. Cold War in the Skies a. ICBMs were intercontinental ballistic missiles b. U.S. lagged behind the Soviets in missile development because of our reliance on aircraft c. Sputnik – the Soviets launched the first satellite to orbit the Earth d. U-2 Incident – May 1960 – the Soviets shot down a U.S. spy plane with a guided missile