The Origins of the Cold War [ ]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet System- Socialism Communism American System- Free Market Capitalism Democracy State Controls all property and economic activity Totalitarian Power- One Party system. Communist Party directs all activities Leader Joseph Stalin Private citizens and corporate interests control property and economic activity (Free Market) Republic-Multiparty system. Voters direct decisions Leader Harry S. Truman
The Cold War [ ]: Causes of Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies Americans denounce Communism after Bolshevik Revolution Americans fail to recognize USSR for 16 years Americans support “Whites” in Civil War Americans delays Second Front Bolsheviks drop out of World War I – US obligated to join Comintern- World Wide Revolution, Death of Capitalism Support Socialist Parties in US 1920s s Stalin signs Non- Aggression with Hitler
The Cold War [ ]: Causes of Struggle Soviet Union [“Iron Curtain”] United States Truman “saber Rattles” Bomb at Potsdam Divided and Weakened Germany Use spoils of war to rebuild Soviet Union Sphere of Influence in Eastern Europe and Asia Encouraged development of Communism Stalin tries to bully Truman (No FDR). Reunited and rebuilt Germany (Marshall Plan) Access to European markets and resources for booming economy Support Democratic governments in Europe to prevent totalitarianism Global Sphere of Influence (City Upon Hill) Allies Churchill plays Stalin and Truman off one another Weakened Germany (punishment and less competition) Regain and reestablish colonial empires Close markets to foreign goods and maintain resources to rebuild Use UN to keep US and USSR in check
The Cold War [ ]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL spread world- wide Communism GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. [George Kennan] METHODOLOGIES: 1.Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] 2.Arms Race [nuclear escalation] 3.Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy] “proxy wars” 4.Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]
The Bipolarization of Europe
George Kennan [“X Article”]: CONTAINMENT Goals Means Actual Application 1.Restoration of the balance of power 2.Reduction of Soviet ability to project outside power. Encouragement of self- confidence in nations threatened by Soviet expansion. Exploitation of tensions in international communism. Long-term program of U.S. economic assistance [Marshall Plan] Cooperation with communist regimes; [supporting Titoism in Yugoslavia]
3.Modification of the Soviet concept of international relations. Negotiating settlement of outstanding differences. Using “carrots & sticks’; containing Germany with an embrace and Russia at arms length. George Kennan [“X Article”]: CONTAINMENT Goals Means Actual Application Becomes Basis for Truman Doctrine
Provide $12.5 billion in direct US aid Poverty was the breeding ground for Communism Rebuilt Europe would build confidence in US hegemony Left Shoe Economics Money used to rebuild European factories using American made products Chose selected industries (no direct competition to US Defense and support of US friendly gov’s. Marshall Plan Goals Means Actual Application Rebuild Europe Prevent Starvation and Poverty Stop Communism Create Markets for US goods
First Cold War Theater - Germany
The Division of Berlin
Berlin Crisis As US rebuild Western Germany, Eastern Germany still in ruins. Stalin more focused on rebuilding USSR – Strips material from Germany People begin to flee to West seeking aid from Western democracies Stalin and Soviets embarrassed Want to get US and allies out of Germany and specifically Berlin (Soviet Sphere) Fear US will unite and rearm Germany to turn against USSR (Stalin correct) Shuts off Berlin from all train road and water access to West Hopes to force Americans and West to abandon city (“Capitalist Cancer in Soviet Sphere”)
Berlin Airlift Americans and Western Allies determined to hold on to Berlin City completely cut off from outside (Soviets surround) Berlin had 2.1 million people in Western zones Food and supplies needed to keep city going day to day For 327 days planes landed on average every 3 minutes Over 277,000 flights deliver 2.3 million tons of supplies Stalin relents – Huge boost to American prestige and confidence among allies
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Alliance Purpose and Effects Designed to prevent the “Next Hitler” Alliance was to prevent aggression from any nation Hope to discourage war (actually created polarization and war) First time US ever entered into military alliance during peace time Fear it would lead to arms race and massive American aid to Europe Fear it would draw US into further wars –Sen. Robert Taft Stalin now defined as “Next Hitler” Senator Taft’s suspicions were correct Officially ends American isolation US becomes “Policeman of the World”
National Defense Budget [ ]
Korean War [ ]
Syngman Rhee Kim Il-Sung “Domino Theory”
The Shifting Map of Korea [ ]