1 Exploring Clarity in the 2011 MA Curriculum Framework for Mathematics Exploration Activity : Comparing the New and Former MA Mathematics Standards April 2011
2 Desired Outcomes In this activity, participants will: Identify examples of increased clarity and specificity in the new standards at your grade level Describe similarities and differences of the old and the new standards by using the crosswalk documents Discuss implications for teaching and learning Identify areas where you would like support in implementation
3 Supporting changes in practice The new standards support improved curriculum and instruction due to increased: –FOCUS, via critical areas at each grade level –COHERENCE, through carefully developed connections within and across grades –CLARITY, with precisely worded standards that cannot be treated as a checklist –RIGOR, including a focus on College and Career Readiness and Standards for Mathematical Practice throughout Pre-K-12
4 Section 1 –How to read the crosswalk Section 2 –Grade Level Introduction Section 3 –Standards for Mathematical Practice (same for all grade levels) Section 4 –Math Content Standards Comparison Section 5 –Standards Not Matched at the Grade Level Our focus for this session will be the comparison of current and new content standards, beginning on page 2 of each grade level Crosswalk. Overview of the Crosswalk Document
5 Structure of the Standards Comparison Table How to read this crosswalk –Column 1: Mathematics Standards for 2011 –Column 2: Related standards from 2000/2004 Frameworks (may be direct or partial relationship; more than one standard may match) –Column 3: Appropriate comments Unmatched standards – those no longer taught at the specific grade level 2011 standards that match at a different grade level 2000/04 standards that are not included in the 2011
6 Main Activity Overview We will examine the new standards through: –Individual work time to mark up our crosswalk documents (25 minutes) –Small group discussion (20 minutes) –Whole group wrap-up (5 minutes)
7 Example of a Standard in the Crosswalk Number and Operations - Fractions
8 Crosswalk Activity – Individual Work Highlight standards or parts of standards that you currently teach and are comfortable with. Underline anything new. Circle any terms or phrases that are unfamiliar or unclear to you, or anything you wish to explore further. Time estimate: 25 minutes
9 Crosswalk Summary Sheet In general, describe how the new standards are clearer and more precise than the former standards. How will the topics at your grade level change? How do you envision these new standards changing the teaching and learning (i.e., instruction) in your school/classroom? What specific areas from your grade level would you like to further explore? In a small group, discuss the following summary questions. Time estimate: 20 minutes
10 Whole Group Wrap-up Comment on one or more of the following: –What should teachers in other grades know about your grade level? –How are the new standards more clear about what students should know and be able to do? –What are the implications of the new standards for teaching and learning, professional development, etc.? Time estimate: 5 minutes
11 Feedback and Information To provide feedback on this activity as a facilitator or participant, or to find more activities and resources (including the crosswalks), go to the ESE’s Curriculum and Instruction page at: