Clarity about next learning steps
2. Shared Clarity about what is to be learnt Learning Intentions relevance Exemplars/ modelling success criteria checking 3. Assessment Literacy 4. Promoting Further Learning 5. Active Reflection 6. Shared Clarity about next learning steps Effective Learning Assessment For Learning Archway of Teaching Qualities 1.Building Partnerships for Learning
Assessment for Learning Competency 6 Clarity About Next Steps
Definition of next steps from Clarity in the Classroom l The teacher works from their planning l The teacher communicates the direction to the students “after we have learnt this, what do we learn next?” l The students need to ensure that the teaching and learning has direction for them
What teachers need to know l Start with the end in mind l Subject knowledge l Subject learning progressions l Resources to assist with learning progressions
What students need to know… l They should know the big picture for their learning l They need to have a sense of progression for the next steps l How the next step is tangibly connected to the big picture l The next step makes sense for them
What students need to know l They are able to initiate conversations with the teacher about what they need to learn next l They can identify their next learning step from their own self-assessment l They work with their teacher to plan the next unit of learning
How do we do this? l Build expectation with students about the next steps l Get into the habit of linking the next steps with the success criteria l Display progressions of learning l Teach students how to self-assess using the progressions
Common gaps in teaching… l Teachers should develop the next steps from; 1. the self-evaluative question 2. anecdotal observations/teacher roving 3. from Success criteria 4. from teacher’s planning l Teachers should share what they are thinking for the next step
Common gaps l Where possible, give students choice which increases motivation and engagement l Use assessment tools and data to help you work out what next Write these next steps down somewhere….
What tools could we use?? l asTTle l The ARBs l The exemplars l ????
Implications for practice l Daily planning l Long-term planning l ????