Mapping Pedestrian Struck Trauma Occurrences in a Bronx-Based Community Hospital Patient Population Jimmy Truong, D.O., Trisha Arno, D.O., Patricia Phillips, Scott Leuchten, D.O. St Barnabas Hospital Health System – Bronx, NY Background Objectives MethodsResultsConclusion References An estimated 80,000 to 120,000 pedestrian are stuck by motor vehicles every year and around 11% of these patients will succumb to their injuries. According to the NHTSA, in 2010 alone there was 4280 pedestrian killed and in New York State that same year there was 303 pedestrian fatalities. New York is the 4 th leading state in pedestrian fatalities and while there has been a move to decrease these incidences, New York City still is ranked #1 for pedestrian fatalities. Lifestyle trends including the use of cell phones and other devices, alcohol, non- adherence to road rules and jay walking all contribute to the pedestrian crashes. Both pedestrian and drivers share the road and they both have a responsibly to prevent fatalities. Epidemiological and geospatial analyses provide insight into risk factors for pedestrian traumas and applications for preventing these incidents for occurring. Modifications of the environment can reduce the risk of pedestrian vehicles crashes. Highly effective safety countermeasures include single-lane roundabouts, sidewalks, exclusive pedestrian signal phasing, pedestrian refuge island and roadways lighting. It is the objective of this study to analyze the incidences that present to the St. Barnabas Hospital Emergency Department, identify the effects of past implemented safety measures, and to supplement these efforts already in place by reaching out to the community and promoting awareness of these danger zones. Pedestrian struck trauma alerts and codes brought into St. Barnabas Hospital were mapped using geospatial software from Patient records were reviewed using electronic medical record system and ambulance reports. Demographics were compiled for these occurrences. Basic analysis were performed. Geospatial mapping were performed using MapAList Software and data compiled using excel spreadsheet. 1. U.S. Department of Transportation: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National Pedestrian Crash Report, Governors Highway Safety Association. Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State, 2010 Preliminary Data. Washington D.C. 3.Pucher, J., Dijkstra L. “Promoting Safe Walking and Cycling to Improve Public Health: Lessons From The Netherlands and Germany.” American Journal of Public Health. Sept. 2003; 93(9): 1509 – Hameed, S.M., Popkin C.A., Cohn, S.M., Johnson, E.W. “The Epidemic of Pediatric Traffic Injuries in South Florida: A Review of the Problem and Initial Results of a Prospective Surveillance Strategy.” American Journal of Public Health. April 2004; 94(4): Al-Shammari N., Bendak S., Al-Gadhi S. “In-depth analysis of pedestrian crashes in Riyadh” Traffic Inj Prev. December 2009; 10(6): Shadik-Khan, Janette, “Neighborhood Slow Zones, Mt Eden, Bronx” 30. July 2012, ml 24. August Shadik-Khan, Janette, “Neighborhood Slow Zones Pilot, Claremont” 10. May 2011, ml 24. August United States Census Bureau: State and County Quick Facts, “Bronx County (Bronx Borough) New York” Thursday, 27. June August U.S. Department of Transportation: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National. Traffic Safety Facts, New York City Department of Transportation: “High Pedestrian Crash Locations: Pedestrian Safety Improvements at the Top 20 Crash Intersections: 2010” May IRB STUDY The data presented in this preliminary part of the study provides promising framework for ongoing evaluation for preventative measures for public safety. It has been concluded by our data that middle aged Hispanic males in the winter and summer months in high traffic areas were more at risk of becoming a pedestrian struck. Future studies can include geospatial mapping of other types of traumatic injuries that present to our emergency department and community outreach to advocate patient safety in high risk areas. Geospatial Mapping of Trauma Occurrences from Percentage of Pedestrian Struck Trauma Occurrences between males and females Pedestrian Struck Trauma Occurrences Annual Comparison by Month