‘Landscape of Fear’: How non- consumptive effects are detected across multiple ecological scales Rehage, Kominoski, Swan, Reuss, Schmitt, Keilland, Deegan
Motivation Matassa and Trussell 2011 Ecology “We suggest that the effects of predation risk on individual foraging behavior may scale up to shape community structure and dynamics at a landscape level.” Laundre et al Ecology “We conclude that the landscape-of-fear model does provide reasonable explanations for many of the reported studies and should be tested further to better understand the effects of bottom-up, top-down, and parallel factors on population dynamics.”
Questions How do non-consumptive effects of the predation of fear affect herbivore consumptive effects visible at regional scales? – energy flow hypothesis, altered resources and foraging locations How does the landscape of fear exhibit multiple spatial scale effects on heterogeneity? – legacies of altered foraging impacts on populations, communities, ecosystems
Questions How does the landscape of fear influence ecosystem resilience? – Changes in negative, stabilizing feedbacks may weaken resilience, leading to potential state changes. – State changes involve changes in trophic dynamics Driver Response Possible hysteresis?
Scales & Attributes IndividualPopulationCommunityEcosystemRegional fear/stressdemography Plant community composition Elemental cycling Landscape heterogeneity - gamma diversity, process heterogeneity activity budget age/size distribution Other animal community compositionNPP/R/NEPConnectivity foraging/food intakesex ratio Diversity (functional/struc tural, food webs)Subsidies reproductiondistribution Successional pathways habitat use personality
(non)LTER Examples BNZ: snowshoe hare herbivory dynamics across landscape driven by lynx & effects on plant succession MCR: reef sharks influence planktonic-reef nutrient translocation Shark Bay, Australia: sharks influence seagrass N:P stoichiometry KNZ: bison grazing (& fire) effects on succession and NPP Oswald Schmitz – spiders scare grasshoppers Student at KBS is studying this empirically with butterflies.
Product Concepts & Synthesis paper in Ecology that includes insights learned from long-term data and LTER site examples. NCO Postdoc Proposal Suggestions? Examples? Participants? engage Jimmy Nelson (Univ. of Louisiana - Lafayette