Governments-organizations that set up and enforce laws State-a region that shares a common government City states-small city centered states Began in Asia 5,000 years ago Empires-states containing several countries Military leaders conquered large areas Nation states-states that are independent Around 1500 European rulers founded Dependencies-regions that belong to another state Became independent when they broke away from European rulers
All adults take part in decisions Worked because earliest Govs. were made up of small groups of people Ex. Can be seen today in town meetings
Communities banded together into larger groups Members have a say but chiefs/elders make final decision Decisions based on customs/beliefs
King/Queen rule with complete control Common 200 years ago Few today Power is inherited EX. Europe in the past, Saudi Arabia, Brunei Louis XIV, known as Louis the Great was a monarch who ruled as King of France. He was one of the most powerful rulers in French history, and was the longest- reigning king in French history and in European history, reigning for 72 years and 110 days.King of Francelongest- reigning king
One person rules with total power and is not a king/queen Power is not inherited, it is seized Use violence to stay in power, deny rights Ex. Cuba, North Korea
Governments controlled by a small group of people Usually a political party, military group, or religious group Ex. China, Burma, Iran
Power of the king/queen is limited by law Have constitutions-sets of laws that limit Gov. power King/queen usually just a symbol Ex. UK, Netherlands, Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al- Jaber Al-Sabah. The Al-Sabah family have ruled Kuwait since From 1899 to 1961 Kuwait was a protectorate of the British Empire. Kuwait is a constitutional monarchy with the oldest directly elected parliament in the Persian Gulf.
Govs. run by representatives that people choose People indirectly hold power Elect others to make decisions Can choose to not reelect that person Ex. USA, Canada, India
Nations make agreements to work together in an alliance Members of an alliance are called allies NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)-agree to defend any fellow member attacked Economic purposes EU (European Union)-promotes economic unity between nations International Relations UN (United nations)-To resolve disputes and promote peace Special purposes UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)-promoted rights and well-being of children