Group 3 Presentation Carleigh Dutton Jean Marie Davenport Special Needs Software
Special Needs Software is VERY important.. Our special needs students can benefit greatly from this software. Each and every teacher needs to be aware of all that is offered!
What is Universal Design? An approach with THREE primary principles.. 1. Multiple means of representation, to give diverse learners options for acquiring information and knowledge, 2. Multiple means of action and expression, to provide learners options for demonstrating what they know, 3. Multiple means of engagement, to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation
Types of Special Needs Software Software that READS words or letter ALOUD as they are displayed on the screen. Software that include speech synthesizing things. – These helps with sight and hearing impaired students.
There are ALSO Other Learning Disabilities targeted with Special Needs Software ADD ADHD Listening Skills Reading Skills – All of these are targeted!
Assistive Technology is for people with a disability who find operating a computer difficult, maybe even impossible. *Screen Readers *Touch Screens *Keyboards with large print keys
ThE EnD! SpEciAl NeEds SoFtWaRe is GREAT!