HONORS ANATOMY John Adams Academy Mr. Jason Turner Welcome
Honors Anatomy Two Semester Course Designed to meet the University of California and California State University requirements for entrance. Because this is a college level course, students are expected to prepare and conduct themselves in such a manner. Labs, homework, tests and practicals will require memorization, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis of materials and a multitude of questioning strategies.
Course Outline Unit 1 – Cells, Tissues and Integumentary System Unit 2 – Bone Tissue, Skeletal System & Joints Unit 3 – Muscle Tissue & Muscular System Unit 4 – Digestive System Unit 5 – Circulatory System, Lymphatic System & Immune System Unit 6 – Respiratory System Unit 7 – Nervous System, Brain and Sensory Tissue Unit 8 – Urinary System Unit 9 – Endocrine System Unit 10 – Nutrition and Fitness (optional unit)
Grading Policy A+ 100% - 96% A95% - 93% A-92% - 90% B+ 89% - 88% B87% - 80% B-79% - 77% C+76% - 74% C73% - 70% C- 69% 65% D+64% - 62% D61% - 58% D-57% - 55% F54% Because this is an Honors course, a grade of A or B will count for higher points toward your GPA. For example – An A counts for 5 pts. & a B counts for 4 pts.
Student Requirements Comparative dissection of preserved cats $10.00 lab fee payable to John Adams Academy – to be turned in by the end of the first week. Student presentation regarding various health issues – one per semester – including a handout and paper. Purchase at least one box of Latex gloves for labs. Attendance is imperative – schedule appointments around Anatomy – missed labs &tests need to made up outside of class time.
How can I be successful? Bring notebook, writing utensils, lab manuals, etc. to class each day!! Stay on top of homework, quizzes and tests! Be prepared to study!! Participate in class discussions and labs. Have a positive attitude and get involved in your learning!!
Tardy Policy Tardy #1 - Warning Tardy #2 - Parent phone call or Tardy # points off overall grade Tardy #4 - Tardy referral to the office 10 points off overall grade 10 points will be taken off your overall grade for each and every additional tardy!! DON’T BE TARDY TO ANATOMY!!
Extra Credit Possibilities Article readings - 5 points Read an article on any health science topic and summarize it in 1 -2 pages One per week – 12 weeks X 5 pts. = 60 points Sierra College Seminars - Up to 20 points Attend, take notes and summarize in 1-2 pages Does not include regularly scheduled classes Dates and times to be announced Student Presentations - Max. of 25 points Only after your required presentation for the semester has been completed.