COPS JUNE 2013 UPDATE TO TAC 06/06/2013 Harika Basaran, Chair Jim Lee, Vice Chair
2 COPS MAJOR DISCUSSION ITEMS ERCOT Staff provided the annual anti-trust training. Reviewed Unregistered Distributed Generation 2013 Q1Report. North zone reached 5 MW of installed capacity (between 50 kW and 1mW) Tabled COPMGRR 034 Updates to the Market Notice Communication Process. In order to wait until phase 2 of NPRR 509 is implemented. Tabled COPMGRR 035 Synchronization of NPRR347 and NPRR509. In order to avoid any potential conflicts with RMGRR115. Discussed impact of the May 2&3 events Invalid Posting of Extracts Unplanned Technical Issues with Enterprise Data Warehouse
3 COPS MAJOR DISCUSSION ITEMS cont. Discussed Emergency Response Service (ERS )Reporting MPs raised concerns regarding the lack of back up data in the extracts. For the pilot programs implemented, ERCOT used SAS code vs.Lode Star due to its flexibility. Therefore pushing data to the extracts to be received by the MPs using the current delivery methods is not possible. The MPs’ need for back up data to be provided in the extracts for the future projects including pilots need to be also taken into consideration. Use of NERC Holidays instead of ERCOT holidays for the ERS programs MP may bring an NPRR in the following months to address this issue.
4 Reducing the RTM Settlement Time Line: After a ~2 months settlements under 1-day shortened timeline, there have not been significant issues raised. Data Aggregation on ERCOT’s side continues to run on Day 7. ERCOT staff has less time to approve Data Aggregation results. Concerns voiced: Decision to move to T+7 this summer with limited Final (59-day) Settlements to examine the change between Initial and Final settlement. Move to T+7 without impacts of moving Data Aggregation up by one day. Need more data analysis to estimate impact of moving data aggregation to an earlier date based on available data. ERCOT Staff started providing more analysis on the impact the reduced timeline to 7 days and less to the availability of meter data during the weekly Monday Webex meetings. key documents key NPRR509_ xls (% of load data read by meter type AMS, NIDR, NOIE etc.) Reduced Settlement Timeline Issues List.xls Unless something significant is observed between now and July 2, 2013 (TAC), COPS will recommend to TAC moving as planned to reduce the timeline to 7 days starting with August 1, 2013 OD.
5 WORKING GROUPS CSWG: MarkeTrak and Wholesale Dispute Process. Reviewed limited data availability in extracts for ERS procured by ERCOT. Settlement of NPRR 477 Disputes for Exception for BLT at Presidio. (Currently ERCOT uses Misc Charge type to settle, however there may be better ways to settle this item going forward such as Misc Invoice or a new charge type) PWG: –ERCOT completed 2012 UFE analysis. –PWG met on June 4, Tuesday to review the annual report. MISUG: –Eric Goff (CITI) volunteered to chair. –Still looking for a Vice Chair. –Need more people to be actively involved NEXT COPS MEETING IS ON JUNE 11 TUESDAY, 2013
6 Questions?