Chapter 1 Notes
Sender, Message, Receiver, Feedback Be able to draw this!! Message (words, body-language, tone, symbols) SenderReceiver (intercepts and interprets) Feedback (words, body-language, tone, symbols)
Creating an oversimplified image of a particular group of people, usually by assuming that all members of the group are alike. Stereotypes can be specific- White, wealthy, women all think they are better than everyone else. Stereotypes can be broad- all people are dishonest. Stereotyping is unfair. Don’t let your own lack of confidence cause you to fall into a stereotype trap. It becomes difficult to communicate effectively when we hear words that tear each other down.
Just as important as what you say. “Actions speak louder than words” Gestures- how you move your hands Facial expression- how you move the muscles in your face Posture- how you hold your body Tone- how your voice sounds Symbol- a thing that represents something else