April 24 th & 27 th (SPAN 2) Bell ringer: Verb of the day: Comprometerse (con) – to get engaged to On the top of the index card, write today’s date. Then write today’s verb and draw a picture to help you remember the meaning of the verb. On the back side of the same index card, write the meaning of the verb in English. Write a sentence in Spanish saying….. “In 2013, Kanye West got engaged to Kim Kardashian.”
Padre Nuestro En el nombre del padre, el hijo, y el Espíritu Santo, Amen. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amen.
Language Clubs & Liturgy Team will be collecting boxes of cereal for the kids at Daisy Bates Elementary. You can drop off individual size/ large size boxes of cereal from April 30 th until May 7 th with any language teacher or in the collection box by the chapel. Please help us if you can, so kids won’t be hungry this summer!
QUIZ TIME: Grammar Quiz #16 – Regular & Irregular Preterites Take out a sheet of paper and number from 1 to 10. Don’t forget to write your heading! Flip your paper over when you finish and then SIT QUIETLY! You can put your head down on your desk, draw a picture, or write me a note while you wait for your classmates to finish testing!
Homework check: Last class you were asked to complete TB pg. 314 inténtalo & TB pg. 315 Activity 1. Please place your work on your desk, so I can give you a completion stamp! You should be checking & correcting your answers!
Ch. 9 Goals “Las fiestas” Learn vocabulary to talk about celebrations, the stages of life (birth, marriage, etc.), & relationships Using the question words ¿Qué? & ¿Cuál? in context Learn about celebrations in the Spanish-speaking world: La Semana Santa y La Quinceañera Review: How to conjugate irregular verbs in the preterite tense (Ser, Estar, Dar, Tener, Hacer, etc.) Learn which verbs change meaning when used in the preterite tense Learn how to use prepositional pronouns in context (with me, with you, etc.)
Some Common Prepositions: Para – for De – of, from A – to, at (or the personal “a”) Con – with Entre - between
Using Pronouns after Prepositions Prepositional pronouns are the SAME as the subject pronouns, except for mí and ti! *NOTE: “mí” MUST have an accent mark to distinguish it from the possessive adjective “mi” (my)! Example: El regalo es para mí. (for me) El regalo es para ti. (for you) El regalo es para Usted. (for you) El regalo es para él. (for him) El regalo es para ella. (for her) El regalo es para nosotros. (for us) El regalo es para Ustedes. (for y’all) El regalo es para ellos. (for them)
Pronouns After Prepositions “with me”“with you,” When you want to say “with me” & “with you,” the preposition “con” is irregular: conmigo – with me Example: ¿Vas a la fiesta conmigo o con Lupita? contigo – with you (informal) Example: Yo no voy con ella. Yo voy contigo. NOTE: The other forms of “con” are regular! *The preposition “entre” is another exception. It is always followed by tú & yo instead of ti & mí!
Grammar video: Prepositional Pronouns
Práctica (en clase) Do TB pg. 318 inténtalo section When you are finished, please raise your hand so I can give you a completion stamp. We will go over the correct answers together when everyone is finished!
Homework (la tarea) Do WB pg. 103 in your cuaderno de práctica. DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD!