What Kind of Student are You? A Guide for Students Prepared by: Dr. Davis Houck and Dr. Caroline (Kay) Picart
User’s Guide If your “yes” answers fall consistently on the left, this class is certainly for you. If your “yes” answers fall consistently on the right, this class won’t much interest you; nor will you likely perform well in it.
Check yourself! Do you like to ask informed questions of your professors and fellow students? Do you like to watch movies critically? Do you like to have perfect or near-perfect attendance during the term? Do you like to stay quiet, take notes and not think critically about a given subject? Do you think movies are/should be a “just for fun” narcotic from everyday life? Do you miss class frequently (once every 3 weeks) and not think it’s that big of a deal?
Check Yourself--2 Do you like to read? Do you think fellow students have important and interesting things to say? Do you pride yourself on intellectual accomplishments? Do you not like to read? Do you think that most students don’t have anything of consequence to say? Is “getting by” enough to satisfy you?
Check Yourself--3 Do academic things arouse your curiosity? Do you take great care with your academic projects, papers and assignments, meeting deadlines and following instructions? Are you curious about other people, cultures, religions and classes? Do academic things tend to bore you? Do you tend to rush to get things done at the last minute, and not really read instructions well? Are you curious mainly about what affects you and those closest to you?
Check Yourself--4 Do you take pride in working hard? Do you deal with ambiguity by looking at several possibilities? Do you explore your intellectual interests? Do you often look for the easy way out? Do you deal with ambiguity by looking at one possibility? You don’t have many intellectual interests?
Check Yourself--5 Are you often uncertain about the world around you? Are you skeptical and critical about the world around you? Do you often keep your books and think about your courses after they are over? Have you found most of the answers to life’s important questions? Do you not tend to question the world around you? Do you often sell your books and not think about your courses after they are over?
Check Yourself--6 Do you enjoy independence in working through projects? Do you like learning technology-related skills? Are you interested in subjects that are not directly in your major? Do you need a lot of “hand-holding” in working through projects? Do you consider yourself a Luddite, and hate learning anything that has to do with technology use? Is the only thing that matters to you your major?
Conclusion I think you have an idea of the type of student who would most likely thrive in this class, and the type of student who should probably head for another class. Decide which way you want to go, and good luck!