Literacy Coach:
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Tier I: Core classroom reading instruction that all students receive. Tier II: Intervention (additional reading instruction) and frequent progress monitoring (e.g., at least every two weeks) that struggling readers receive. Tier III: More intensive intervention and frequent progress monitoring (e.g., at least every two weeks) that students with extreme reading difficulties receive after not making adequate progress in Tiers I and II. (Cyndi Castello-Bratteson, 2011)
Flexible, fluid grouping based on informal and formal assessments as well as anecdotal note taking. Meaningful centers using researched based strategies on previously taught subject matter. PLEASE NOTE: Guided reading should not take place until center management has been implemented!
Choose 4 centers and create a workboard (optional). Decide how you want to group your students for centers. Model the expected activity. Walk the room during centers to monitor management. Begin meeting with guiding reading groups when the centers are running well. (Cyndi Castello-Bratteson, 2011)
Materials: Leveled readers Chart paper Composition notebooks for anecdotal note taking Sticky notes (Cyndi Castello-Bratteson, 2011)
1. Text Introduction 2. Find & Frame 3. Model or review the skill/strategy 4. Listen to students whisper read 5. Take notes on each student 6. Comprehension discussion 7. Make one or two teaching points Optional extension activities: Word Work Comprehension Ideas
Group your students using both assessment results and your judgment. Meet with at-risk groups 3-5 days a week Meet with proficient readers at least 2 times per week. Try to meet with 2 groups a day, especially during push-in. (Cyndi Castello-Bratteson, 2011)
Anecdotal note taking! This is imperative as it should be used to drive instruction and is a paper trail of students’ progress and/or struggles.