Chase Young, Ph.D. Guided Reading
The purpose of guided reading. Moving Kids
The Benefits of Guided Reading According to the research
1. All teaching in guided reading lessons has the ultimate goal of teaching reading comprehension.
2. In guided reading lessons, the teacher provides a sequence of high quality, engaging texts that support individual progress on a scale of text difficulty
3. Guided reading lessons increase the quantity of independent reading that students do.
4. Guided reading lessons provide explicit instruction in fluency.
5. Guiding reading lessons provide daily opportunities to expand vocabulary through reading, conversation, and explicit instruction.
6. Guided reading lessons include teaching that expands students’ ability to apply phonemic awareness and phonics understandings to the processing of print.
7. Guided reading lessons provide the opportunity for students to write about reading.
8. Guided reading lessons create engagement in and motivation for reading!
The Benefits of Guided Reading According to personal experience
Title 1
Situating Guided Reading in the BLP Classroom Kindergarten
Computer Station Tumble Books, Starfall, ABC Mouse, iStation, etc. More advanced:
Listening Stations Books on “tape”
Buddy Reading Station Yup, they read together. It’s more fun.
Making/Writing Words Magnetic letters, playdough, stamps, etc.
Art Station ‘Cause it’s a good time! More advanced: Make it about reading and following instructions or related it to text
Writing Station Write. Write. Write.
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Comprehension Stations More Advanced