Tuesday CNN student news 2.Chapter 16, sections 1 and 2 guided reading on Google Classroom 3.Reconstruction Reading on US History.org 4.Reconstruction Article Questions on Google Classroom
1.Pick up a new textbook 2.Take out 1 sheet of notebook paper 3.You should have a chromebook at your desk 4.Be seated and ready for CNN student news
1.Use the new textbook and the worksheet to do the Chapter 16, sections 1 and 2 guided reading. The page numbers are at the top of the worksheet. 2.When you finish, open your Chromebook and log on to google classroom. Open the Chapter 16, Sections 1 and 2 guided reading and enter your answers, then submit the assignment. When you finish, turn in the worksheet and your answer sheet to the back table. 3.After you submit the Guided Reading, click on the link on google classroom and read the Excerpt on Reconstruction. 4.Answer the questions on the linked google form entitled “Reconstruction article Questions.” This is homework if you do not complete it in class. 5.If you finish all of this, go to my website, go to interactive learning links, and play Financial Football or Financial Soccer.
For Make-Up Get a new textbook and complete Chapter 16, section 1 and 2 guided reading and turn it in to me. Read the Excerpt on Reconstruction on the google classroom and answer the questions on the linked google form. This will be counted as a homework grade. Check the tray next to the make-up folder for worksheets, do not take the worksheet that is attached to this folder.