Florida Language Arts Standards All students will be assessed in the following 4 categories: Key Ideas & Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Language and Editing
Key Ideas & Details 15-25% of Test Students should be able to: Ask & answer questions about key details in the text Identify the theme Describe characters, settings, and major events in the text Literature and Informational Text
Craft and Structure 25-35% of Test Students should be able to: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as used in the text Distinguish their own point of view from the narrator Identify the overall structure of the text (poems, drama or story) Literature and Informational Text
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 20-30% of Test Students should be able to: Make connections between the text of a story and a visual or oral presentation. Compare/Contrast similar themes and topics Literature and Informational Text
Language and Editing 15-25% of Test Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
How are teachers preparing students? Daily Small Group Guided Reading. Center Activities aligned to the standards Intervention/Reteach Enrichment Differentiated Instruction Progress Monitoring ( assessment checkpoints)
Strategies to use at Home Have your child READ DAILY…for a sustained period of time, increasing that time as the year progresses. (Student Choice for text) After reading have them answer questions: What was the main idea of the text? Use evidence to support your answer. What was the author’s point of view? Support your answer with details from the text. What is your interpretation of this text? Support your rationale.
Strategies to use at Home Build Vocabulary: Have your child to write down any new words they encounter while reading. After they finish reading, go back into the text and write a meaning based on how it’s used in the text. Then confirm their definition against what the dictionary says. Have a conversation with your child and introduce them to new words.
Resources to use at Home
Assessment Dates March 28–April 8, rd Grade April 11–May 6, th & 5 th Grade
Questions? Remember you don’t become a good reader if you don’t READ!!!