2016 3rd – 8 th Grade Parent Meeting
BLA Board and Open Volunteer Positions 2016 BOARD President: Janet Keech Secretary: Jean Tennessen Treasurer: Tom Steffen Fields: Kurt Horner Girls Youth Director: Kathleen Blake Boys Youth Director: Kristin Ferge Girls HS Director: Anne Vanich Boys HS Director: Janet Keech Club positions needed: Field Maintenance Chair – program Field Maintenance Assistants Scorekeepers and Clock Assistants Culture Keeper at each Game
Teams 2 teams (32 players) for 3/4 th grade. Head coaches will be Natasha Siebert and Clarke Sinclair 2 teams (40 players) for 5/6 th grade. Head coaches are Dan Lange and Angelo Provenza 3 teams (54 players) for 7/8 th grade. Head coaches will be Dan Lange, Scott Breier and Squire Kirshner Team managers will be notified once team splits are decided Volunteering will be expected unless payout option was exercised. We will be looking for field maintenance, score keepers, clock runners, and culture keepers for each week
Notes of Interest Association Coaching Philosophy: – Brookfield Lacrosse is a member of the Milwaukee Area Youth Lacrosse Association (MAYLA). Lots of good information on website at – Players are in BLA to learn discipline, working as a team, the sport of lacrosse and have fun – To the best of the coaches ability all players will have equal playing time, regardless of the score – Players with discipline or attitude issues will be asked to sit out and if problems continue parents will be notified – If parents have questions or concerns about the team on the field and/or coaching please talk directly with the coach – BLA believes in candid direct communication. Coaches are in the best position to work through questions or concerns with you – If, after working with the coach resolution is not achieved please contact Kristin Ferge, Boys Youth Director Most communication from the Association will be done through Brookfield Lacrosse has a new Facebook page. Please feel free to like and post pictures to the site Spirit Wear viewing, on-line ordering and delivery to team coordinator Team Manager – Coordinates team off field activities Culture Keeper (Sideline Manager) – requirement of MAYLA that at every game there is a parent volunteer on the sidelines to help support, maintain, and manage the sportsmanlike behavior of spectators and fans Field Maintenance – before and after practices and games helps get the fields ready by putting out and away the goals, cones, game table.
Notes of Interest “Practice Like We Play” – Practices will be hours – Players will be expected to be at practice 20 minutes prior to the practice time so they can be fully dressed & prepared to start on time – The coach will take an additional 15 minutes to talk to the kids off the field after practice is done, prior to players taking their gear off – Players are expected to make 1 practice a week Indoor practices – Practice will be indoors at BISC through April 14 Schedule is inconsistent due to availability so please check your team website for times There will be no practice the week of March for spring break Outdoor practices – Begin April 18 at Pilgrim Park Middle School for 3/4th and Brookfield Christian School for 5 – 8th Teams will be decide by March 24. The levels will practice at the same time but for games we will have equally divided teams – Game schedule has been posted and will be appropriate once team splits are decided Roster Cards – Managers will be handing out roster cards prior to or at the first game Encourage all parents to sign up for MAYLA newsletter
Dates to Note Uniform Orders are due by Friday March 18. No exceptions given the tight deadline. Numerous fittings are available before practices Spiritwear – website will be open later this week and orders need to be placed by Monday March 21 Brookfield Lacrosse Youth Night will be Friday April 15 on the varsity football field at Brookfield Central. More information to come