Engineers’ Council Meeting 3/1/16
College of Engineering Give Back Week: April 9-16 BE the Impact for the College of Engineering’s first ever Give Back Week. Choose from a variety of activities throughout the week where you can make your impact on both Ohio State and the Columbus community, all while earning funding for your student organization. Stay tuned for more details! Saturday, April 9: OSU Feed It Day Where: Longaberger Alumni House When: TBD Monday, April 11: “BE the Impact” Breakfast Where: 3042 Smith Laboratory When: 8:00a-10:00a Thursday, April 14: Access88 Franklinton Branch Library Trip Where: Meet at the Ohio Union 12 th Avenue Turnaround When: 3:30p-6:30p Thursday, April 14: Toy Adaptation Program Workshop Where: TBD When: 6:00p-8:00p Saturday, April 16: Zero Waste – Football Spring Game Where: Ohio Stadium When: TBD
Questions about Give Back Week? Please contact: Will Mills, Strategic Engagement Officer Linda Sandvik, Development Coordinator
Makeathon Volunteers March 5th through March 6th, 2016 Name Evan Stoddart Will offer double volunteer hours for this event due to late advertising.
Makethon cont. What are volunteer shift hours and duties? Event Setup Shift Time: Signups: 8:00am - 10:00am Registration Shift Time: Signups: 9:45am - 11:00am Food/Setup Shift Time: Signups: 10:30am-1pm Saturday 3:30-5pm Saturday 8:30-10:00pm Saturday 1:30 am-3:00 am Sunday 6:30am - 8:00 am Sunday 11:00am - 12:30pm Sunday 2:00pm - 3:30pm Sunday Mentors: Shift Time: Signups: Shirt Size: OSU Standing (Grad or Undergrad and year) 7:00-9:00pm 2:00-4:00am 8:00-10:00am Tear Down Shift Time: Signups: 4:00pm - 6:30pm
BMES Q and A Panel Date: March 4, 2016 Time: 10: :15am Location: 245 Bevis Hall Number of volunteers requested: 2-3 BME major Primary Contact Name Lindsay Tolchin
K12 Engineering Outreach to Whetstone HS Date: March 5th, 2016 Description: An outreach program teaching and exciting K12 students about engineering Number of Volunteers Needed: 4-5 Interested? Considering Volunteering? Contact ◦Betty Lise AndersonBetty Lise Anderson
K12 Engineering Outreach to Westerville North HS Date: April 10th, 2016 Description: An outreach program teaching and exciting K12 students about engineering. Volunteering duties may include demoing engineering projects and possibly, if you can, teach kids how to build speakers Number of Volunteers Needed: 6 Interested? Considering Volunteering? Contact ◦Betty Lise AndersonBetty Lise Anderson
BMES Blood Drive March 30 th – 10am-4pm in the PRB 2 Volunteers / hour Please Jesse Fine.71 or Bernie Cook.1327 if you’re interested, and include: Desired Time(s) Full Name Phone Number
Director Positions Open o We are still looking to appoint the following positions: o Director Of Special Events o Director of Volunteering o Directors can still be reps for their org o Directors will be invited to attend NAESC national conference o If interested please Travis or Erin
MacQuigg Nominations Nominations are now open: MacQuigg Award Nomination Form Can also be found on our website
Meeting With the Dean March 7 th Knowlton 250beginning at 5:30 Dean Williams and Marie Please bring questions you would like to ask them Everyone is welcome
Upcoming Meeting Info Spring fund requests – 4/12 Elections – 4/12 Meeting before or after Spring Break? ◦3/8 ◦3/22 Last meeting of Semester on 4/19