v Global Staffing Guidelines A guide to ensure smooth candidate flow and eliminate confusion amongst HR Business Partners, Hiring managers and Recruitment Version: August 2010 Recruiting & Staffing – Employee Services
2 Recruitment is organized in four global regions Up to now, there are regional differences in the recruitment process and approach. Business Leaders and HR Leaders with cross functional* responsibilities need to be informed about the recruitment processes for staffing reasons. Europe: Corporate Recruiting & HR Business partner – Hiring Manager works directly with HR Business Partner who in turn works with Recruiting KSA: Recruiting is managed by Employee Shared Services Asia: Recruiting is managed by the HR Business Partner who works directly with Hiring Manager Americas: Recruiting is outsourced to 3rd party vendor; Recruiting works directly with Hiring Manager – keeping HR Business Partner advised to developments/progress. *) Cross functional is defined as across regions, poles, functions or business – depending on the specific businesses involved.
3 Starting the Recruitment process For positions based outside KSA: Once need is determined and finalized in writing, the HR Business Partner contacts the respective assisting Recruiter/Recruiting department to arrange a formal discussion. Topics to include: 1.Outline of meeting with Hiring Manager 2.Job Description(s) 3.Cost – again, normally the acquiring department absorbs the cost but item should be discussed to avoid later issues 4.Sourcing methods, where to post, interview panels, methods (phone interview, in person interview, etc.) 5.Who ultimately ‘owns’ the candidate – at what point does the assisting Recruiting department hand off the candidate to the receiving Recruiting department in terms of follow up, offer letters, etc. For positions based inside KSA: The recruitment request for KSA based postions must be activated via the online employee services portal. Before this managers must make sure that the job is graded and loaded in the SAP HR system. - The process ends when either the job is filled or assistance is no longer required. Consider here pasting Asia / Europe recruitment requisition forms
4 Regional Recruitment Process & Roles Initiate Recruitment Requisition Validate Requisition Execute Recruiting Activities CV Screening Orientation Interviews Selection Interviews Job Offer HR Business Partner Recruiter (YoH) Recruiter (YoH) Hiring Manager HR Business Partner 1-o-1 Manager HR Business Partner HR Business Partner HR Business Partner Hiring Manager HR Business Partner 1-o-1 Manager HR Business Partner HR Business Partner Recruiter OR HR Business Partner Recruiter OR HR Business Partner Hiring Manager HR Business Partner 1-o-1 Manager HR Business Partner Hiring Manager Online Request Recruiter (Shared Services) Recruiter (Shared Services) Hiring Manager 1-o-1 Manager Recruiter (Shared Services) Hiring Manager Americas Asia KSA Europe Process Owner: Lisa Doorly Process Owner: Sarah Lee Process Owner: Michiel Evers Process Owner: Ali Al-Ghamdi
5 Expat contracts / Candidates outside region Hiring Manager determines need for (a) recruitment assistance outside region – external hire or (b) need for cross functional recruitment through discussion with respective** HR Business Partner*** Hiring Manager meets with HR Business Partner and formally outlines request noting: –Business Case – need for extra assistance for external hiring or need to look outside region –Timeframe – when position needs to be filled by and how long ‘outside’ assistance will be required –Cost – normally, acquiring business absorbs cost but this should be discussed at the initial meeting –Determine need for full time role/local contract or if expatriate assignment will suffice If expat assignment: –Specific shortage: lack of needed competency in talent pool –High potential developmental assignment: HR must coordinate with Regional Talent Management NOTE: It is the responsibility of the HR Business Partner to keep the functional HR Business Partner advised. (Applicable only to SABIC-IP Americas) ** Respective is defined as the Regional HR Business Partner or the HR representative *** HR Business Partner is defined as the HR Representative who works most closely with the Hiring Manager on strategic issues (i.e., hiring decisions, compensation matters, employee relations, etc). As most described, an HRBP is a strategic partner, administrative expert, employee champion and change agent – they share the vision and goals of the Hiring Manager’s department.