Mission “ A Place Where Every Individual has the POWER to Succeed ” Home of the Tigers WUSD Motto- “Relentlessly Pursuing Excellence”
Objective Students will understand School Wide Expectations found in the student planner. School Wide Expectations Part 2
Driving a Vehicle During School Hours Students Are Not to Drive or Be a Passenger in a Vehicle During School Hours, Including Lunch, Without Administrative Approval. Consequences 1 st Offense- Parent Contact, 4 hrs of Saturday School 2 nd Offense- Parent Contact, 4 hrs of Saturday School, 1 day suspension, behavior contract 3 rd Offense- Parent Contact, 2 day suspension, possible transfer to Alt. Education Consequences 1 st Offense- Parent Contact, 4 hrs of Saturday School 2 nd Offense- Parent Contact, 4 hrs of Saturday School, 1 day suspension, behavior contract 3 rd Offense- Parent Contact, 2 day suspension, possible transfer to Alt. Education Remember: Students assigned Saturday School can not attend or participate in any school sport, activity or event until the detention time is first completed
Honesty Policy Examples of Cheating Using answers on a test or other assignment Copying the work of others or allowing others to copy your work Plagiarism-turning in some else’s work or using someone else's ideas from a book, magazine, or internet without clearly acknowledging the source Consequences 1 st Offense- Parent contact, Saturday School, no credit for assignment, detention assigned by the teacher 2 nd Offense- Parent contact, Suspend 1-5 days, no credit for assignment, behavior contract, possible removal from the class Consequences 1 st Offense- Parent contact, Saturday School, no credit for assignment, detention assigned by the teacher 2 nd Offense- Parent contact, Suspend 1-5 days, no credit for assignment, behavior contract, possible removal from the class Be Trustworthy, Cheating is Never Acceptable.
Severe Misconduct There is “Zero Tolerance” for Severe Misconduct. Consequences 1 st Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, behavior contract, possible police contact/report filed, possible transfer to Alt. Education, possible expulsion recommendation 2 nd Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, police contact/report filed, transfer to Alt. Education or expulsion recommendation Consequences 1 st Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, behavior contract, possible police contact/report filed, possible transfer to Alt. Education, possible expulsion recommendation 2 nd Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, police contact/report filed, transfer to Alt. Education or expulsion recommendation Examples of Sever Misconduct Fighting or any acts of violence Use or possession of tobacco Being in possession or under the influence of drugs or alcohol Possession of a weapon or explosive device(fireworks) Obscene behavior
Checking for Understanding 1.Explain whether driving or being a passenger in a vehicle is or is not allowed during school hours? 2.What is plagiarism? Explain in your own words. 3.What are some examples of severe misconduct? Pair up with a partner and discuss the following questions. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.
Consequences 1 st Offense- Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, behavior contract, possible police contact, possible transfer to Alt. Education, possible expulsion recommendation 2 nd Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, police contact & report filed, transfer to Alt. Education or recommend expulsion Consequences 1 st Offense- Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, behavior contract, possible police contact, possible transfer to Alt. Education, possible expulsion recommendation 2 nd Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, police contact & report filed, transfer to Alt. Education or recommend expulsion Demonstrating Respect and Acceptance of Others Will be Expected of All Students. Zero Tolerance for Bullying/Harassment/Hazing Bullying- intimidating students using physical, mental, or verbal threats. Harassment- repeated annoyance, disturbance, or tormenting. Hazing- to force someone to do unnecessary or ridiculous tasks. The CA Student Safety & Violence Prevention ACT(AB 537), prohibits HARASSMENT and DISCRIMINATION based on sex, gender, gender identity, ethnic group, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability.
1.Possession, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm 2.Brandishing a knife 3.Selling a controlled substance 4.Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or battery 5.Possession of an explosive of any kind Cause for Mandatory Expulsion Students Involved in One of the Following Offenses is Cause for Mandatory Expulsion:
School Wide Expectations are to be Followed During All Forms of Communication Including Oral, Written, Cell Phone, Internet or Other Types of Technology. Communications Examples of Violating School Wide Expectations Using bad language or profanity Sending or posting hurtful or threatening material about others via text, Twitter, Facebook, …etc. This is known as CYBER BULLYING. Making demeaning, discriminatory or other types of offensive comments Taking video or photographs without permission Spreading Rumors Consequences 1 st Offense- Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, behavior contract, possible police contact, possible transfer to Alt. Education, possible expulsion recommendation 2 nd Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, police contact & report filed, transfer to Alt. Education or recommend expulsion Consequences 1 st Offense- Suspend 1-5 days, parent contact, behavior contract, possible police contact, possible transfer to Alt. Education, possible expulsion recommendation 2 nd Offense- Suspend 5 days, parent contact, police contact & report filed, transfer to Alt. Education or recommend expulsion
Checking for Understanding 1.What does the CA Student Safety & Violence Prevention ACT(AB 537) prohibit? 2.Name 3 offenses that are causes for mandatory expulsion? 3.What type of activities are known as Cyber Bullying? Pair up with a new partner and discuss the following questions. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.
Positive Conflict Resolution It is the Desire of WHS to Promote Positive Behaviors Among All Students. Students that have a disagreement or conflict are expected to report the incident to a teacher, counselor, or administrator so that a Conflict Resolution Meeting can be arraigned with all students involved.
Importance School Wide Expectations are aligned to the 5 ESLRS and promote the development of a well rounded student 1. Effective Communicator 2. Effective Problem 3. Group Contributor 4. Responsible Citizen 5. Lifelong Learner Be a Student of Character-Have Pride in Self, School, and the Community Following School Wide Expectations will prepare you to be successful in high school, college and future career