Cooperation in cooperatives Sustainable business in the Dutch Caribbean
Cooperation – Single & Simple Party A Party B
Party C Cooperation – Multiple parties Party A Party B
Party C Party D Cooperation – Even more parties Party A Party B
Party A Party B Party C Party D SPV Cooperation – Special purpose vehicle
Energy Environment Economics −not for profit −many stakeholders −need for public support −evolution Sustainable projects
The Cooperative The Cooperative offers: −a legal entity without liability risks for its members −qualifying as a commercial cooperative association as the basis for organizing support −with the possibility to distinguish between financial contribution and profit as well as influence −that is very flexible in set up and change −at low costs You need: −a flexible SPV −that is open for many stakeholders −with different interests and expectations −and shows mutual commitment and cooperation
−sustainable agriculture Examples −wind farm −community solar park
1No individual who is a member, partner, shareholder, employee or consultant of, in or to any constituent part of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne accepts or assumes responsibility, or has any liability, to any person in respect of this presentation. 2This presentation contains information confidential to VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne. Copy- right of the materials is owned by VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne and the materials should not be copied or disclosed to any other person without the explicit authorisation of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne. 3This presentation is not intended to give legal advice and, accordingly, it should not be relied upon. It should not be regarded as a comprehensive statement of the law and practice in this area. Readers must take specific legal advice on any particular matter which concerns them. If you require any advice or information, please speak to your usual contact at VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne.
founded in 1937 35 attorneys offices in all countries within the Dutch Kingdom (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, St. Maarten and a Dutch Caribbean Desk in Amsterdam) and a Suriname Desk Facts & Figures Credentials ‘‘This local powerhouse has offices on every island in the Dutch Caribbean and attracts praise for its capacity to handle both local and international mandates. Corporate work is a major strength for the firm, and it is able to handle large transactions for major financial organisations.” band 1 ranking Chambers Global 4 individually ranked partners Chambers Global 2015
team of five specialist attorneys headed by mr. ir. Tom Peeters Msc services: we assist clients in the whole process, from governmental approvals via drafting and handling of agreements to the final delivery of a project clients: 50% regional, 50% international (project developers, coordinators, financiers, (potential) buyers) recent examples: Watty Vos Boulevard PPP in Aruba, Tera Kora wind farm in Curacao, Blue Mall in St. Maarten and the Barcadera solar park in Bonaire. Expertise & Experience
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