Get Informed & Make the Pledge Starting Tuesday, April 12th Participate on the Day of Silence Tomorrow Taking A Stand Against Anti-LGBTQ Bullying, Name-Calling and Harassment += The Day of Silence is a student-led national event that brings attention to anti- LGBTQ name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Students from middle school to college take a vow of silence in an effort to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBTQ behavior by illustrating the silencing effect of bullying and harassment on LGBTQ students and those perceived to be LGBTQ
TONIGHT is the PEAK Drama Club performance of “The Jungle Book” Ticket Prices: Families - $10 Adults - $3 Students - $2 Come out and support your friends! PEAK
BIKE RIDERS Hey kids, just a gentle reminder to please be sure to lock your bikes up using one of these metal u-shaped locks! These keep your bikes the safest when left in the racks
Omsi memberships The Boothe Family has generously donated 3 OMSI memberships to promote women in science. Ideally, these will go to one female student in each grade who is passionate about science and would use the membership to enhance her education and that of her friends and family. If you are interested in receiving this membership, please submit a short application to Ms. Dahl (room 137) by April 22nd that includes: * Your name * What grade you are in * What your interests in science are * Why you think you would be a good choice for the this award
EAST COAST TRIP Fundraiser! Which song do you want to see your teachers dance to at the talent show? WATCH ME WHIP & WATCH ME NAE NAE, WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH or TEACH ME HOW TO DOUGIE? You can vote by dropping some money into the water jug with the name of the song the you’d like to see them use. The jar that fills up with the most coin wins! Watch for the students with the jugs each morning this week
Boy’s and Girl’s Club is closed TOMORROW. Remind your parents!