GO SPIN for Science Policy A Global Observatory for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments Guillermo A. Lemarchand Science Policy Consultant Division of Science Policy and Capacity Building Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO, Paris
What is GO SPIN? GO SPIN is a Global Observatory on Science, engineering, technology and innovation (SETI) Policy INstruments and indicators. GO SPIN will provide new and revolutionary tools for knowledge brokers, decision-makers and SETI policy experts. The GO SPIN platform is based on a recently designed methodology for the standardization and systematization of information on STI policies, policy instruments and indicators. It consists of the interaction of six databases made more user friendly with innovative graphic and analytic tools.
Who are the potential GO SPIN users? GO SPIN has been devised for knowledge brokers, planners, directors and administrators of science and technology in governments, parliaments, universities, research institutions, production enterprises concerned with innovation, international organizations working for development; research workers and specialists whose field of study embraces science, technology and innovation policies.
Policy instruments are the means employed by those who exercise power and authority to influence the decisions made by other agents. Policy instruments are the means employed by those who exercise power and authority to influence the decisions made by other agents. They induce and motivate individuals, groups, firms, organizations and institutions to behave in accordance with the guidelines and criteria established by the policies. They induce and motivate individuals, groups, firms, organizations and institutions to behave in accordance with the guidelines and criteria established by the policies. They are the connecting link between the purposal expressed in a policy statement and its implementation in practice. They are the connecting link between the purposal expressed in a policy statement and its implementation in practice. What are a policy instruments?
The structure of GO SPIN analytic units
GO SPIN/STIGAP Laboratory of ideas Standard- setter Clearing- house Capacity builder Catalyst for international cooperation 5 functions of UNESCO
STIGAP and GO SPIN initiatives apply innovative technologies to provide decision-makers and knowledge-brokers with accurate information about STI policies around the world. The GO SPIN platform is establishing through the “Paris Guidelines” new ways to standardize and normalize information about STI policies that can be easily replicated by its Member States and might be used by other similar initiatives around the world. The new knowledge on SETI policies generated by STIGAP and GO SPIN initiatives will be available for free via internet for any potential user in the world. Laboratory of ideas Standard- setter Clearing- house
The Division of Science Policy and Capacity Building will implement training programmes for the collection, generation and improvement of information on national SETI policies for experts, decision makers and governmental managers around the world, while the STIGAP associated networks will promote the generation of new experts on SETI policies around the world. STIGAP and GO SPIN initiatives will be used to promote South-South and North-South- South cooperation on SETI policies among Member States. Capacity builder Catalyst for international cooperation
New tools New geographical scope New Web Page
The key characteristic of the GO SPIN website is the integration of: tools for data collection and content management system, and presentation and data analysis of information on a user friendly public on-line web platform. The solution is built to be modular and flexible to ensure that it can be easily upgraded and to accommodate future elements.
The prototype has 33 individual national reports + LAC regional report, approx. 320 pages of information (in Eng & Spa). Each organization chart is organized following a topological metrics to study their complexity level and function. Description of each national research and innovation system
Full text Full-text access to the complete SETI legal framework in each country
Indicators Module (completed at global level): i.e. granted patents per million people
Thank you !! Guillermo A. Lemarchand For further information on GO SPIN visit the following websites: observatory-on-policy-instruments/ YOU TUBE: GO-SPIN for Science Policy 2012.wmv