1 Paper reading A New Approach to FFT Processor Speaker: 吳紋浩 第六組 洪聖揚 吳紋浩 Adviser: Prof. Andy Wu Mentor: 陳圓覺
2 Outline FFT Concepts Radix-2 2 Algorithm R2 2 SDF Architecture Our simulation Conclusion
3 DFT DFT of size N : Define as a twiddle factor of Matrix of DFT calculation : (ex. n=8) Repeated &trivial!
4 Apply FFT Algorithm To improve performance Use DIF or DIT FFT algorithms to simplify the calculation process Reduction : (i) twiddle factor decomposition (ii) trivial twiddle factors : ex
5 Pipeline FFT Processors Characteristic: non-stop processing as data sequence passing the processor Types of pipeline FFT structures: (i)SDF (single-path delay feedback) (ii)MDC (Multi-path Delay Commutator) (iii)SDC (Single-path Delay Commutator) R2SDF R4SDF R2MDC R4MDC R4SDC
6 Observation Single delay Feedback: More efficiency Radix-4 Algorithm : higher multiplier utilization Radix-2 Algorithm : Simpler butterflies Radix2 2 SDF: Meets all requirements
7 Simplify DFT Form: After reduction: Decompose
8 Use Butterfly Structure Calculate the trivial factors first in eqn.(3)&(4) : Use butterfly structure to represent these function
9 Butterfly with decomposed twiddle factors
10 Flow Charts of Algorithm Still need a set of 4 DFTs of length N/4 to get X(k) In DFT, we also reuse BFI and BFII structures Multiply the reused non-trivial twiddle factors behind BFII : reuse
11 The function of BF I (1) First N/2 cycles, the BF I is idle and stores data in the N/2 shift registers Next N/2 cycles, the BFII computes a 2-point DFT with coming data and data in the shift registers
12 The function of BF I (2) The butterfly computation Output Z 1 (n) is sent to BFII Output Z 1 (n+N/2) is back to register for next N/2 butterfly computations BF I N/2 N/4 BF II st
13 The second butterfly BFII’s structure With N/4 shift registers A trivial twiddle factor multiplier is built-in Apply (-j) by real- imaginary swapping and +/- operation with two bit control signal (s’t) BF II N/4 t s
14 The function of BF II First N/4 cycles, the BF I is idle and store data in the N/4 shift registers Next N/4 cycles the BFII computes a 2-point DFT with coming data and data in the N/4 shift registers When the last ¼ period, BF II multiply (–j) in butterfly computations
15 The role of the log 2 N bit binary counter a synchronization controller gives signal s, t address counter for twiddle factors ……..10 st
16 Simulation Use MATLAB compile BFI 、 BFII as module For loop as counter BF I N/2 N/4 BF II st Out of BFI Out of BFII Input : (1)data input (2)Out of BFI (3)Register Output : (1)Output of BFI (2)Output of BFII (3)Output as Register input Data input Register Function : BFI BFII Control by for loop
17 Result Use fft function in MATLAB for verification
18 Comparison of different pipeline FFT hardware requirement Multiplier #Adder #Memory sizecontrol R2MD C simple R2SDFsimple R4SDFmedium R SDFsimple R2SDF R4SDF R2MDC R2 2 SDF
19 Conclusion Algorithm (i). Hardware oriented (ii). Multiplicative complexity as Radix-4 but Retain Radix-2 butterfly structures Architecture (i). Minimum of hardware requirement (ii). High efficiency (75% utility) (iii). Easy to control