Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Clinical Networks Local Issues and Challenges 22 nd May 2015
Primary Causes of Death in Cheshire & Merseyside 2013 Data Source: ONS
Top 5 Cancer Deaths Age standardised mortality rate – 2012 for Cheshire and Merseyside Data Source: PHE, Cancer Analysis System, NCIN Cancer Commissioning Toolkit/charts
Cancer Care: Cancer Commissioning Toolkit : Key Points Cheshire and Merseyside have lower income deprivation scores and high percentages of residents aged 75 and over There are 2,991 people aged 75 and over living for years after their cancer diagnosis Cancer incidence and mortality trends follow the national trend but are higher Data Source: National Cancer Intelligence Network
Lung, Upper GI, Urology, Lower GI and Breast Cancers have the highest mortality rates with this network Surgery for confirmed cases of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is in the top 20 highest in the country (based in 7 Trust Multidisciplinary Team (MDTs) ) Cancer Care: Cancer Commissioning Toolkit : Key Points Data Source: National Cancer Intelligence Network
COSD is the source of data being used for National outcome measures; survival by stage, SACT mortality National audits including clinician level data; prostate and lung Clinical indicators for each tumour type use in peer review assessments which will be available to the CQC COSD within the Network
Ensuring high quality cancer data capture and reporting To increase data completeness for CNS coding To understand the reasons for variation in the network To improve patient experience by looking at tumour specific pathways Challenges