Scaling-Up Project CRITICAL Welcome to Welcome to Danita Woodley & Dr. Gregory Hodge
Scaling-Up Project CRITICAL Other Introductions
Introducing… Scaling-Up Project Project CRITICAL CRITICAL
Scaling-Up Project CRITICAL A Javits Gifted Education Grant for Harlem based on Syracuse University’s Project LEGAL A Javits Gifted Education Grant for Harlem based on Syracuse University’s Project LEGAL
Project CRITICAL Created in 1996 by Director, Jim Carroll, Ph.D. Created in 1996 by Director, Jim Carroll, Ph.D.
Scaling-Up Includes… 8 new Target schools each year 4 content teachers per school: language arts, US history, global history and science
Summer Institutes -Joe Renzulli, Jim Borland, Lisa Wright -New Identification System for G/T -The Public Policy Analyst: an Internet application for problem solving -Differentiated Curriculum Strategies
Fred Fisher & Art Fortin, P.T. Staff developers After school/Saturday workshops Distance learning technical assistance from Jim Carroll & Joe Montecalvo Scaling-Up Includes… Dr. Melanie Calvert: full-time on-site technical assistance Fred Fisher & Art Fortin, P.T. Staff developers After school/Saturday workshops Distance learning technical assistance from Jim Carroll & Joe Montecalvo
Interactive Teaching Style Teachers integrate our new Internet technologies into their curriculum
Target Students Harlem students (Region 10) in regular classrooms & those identified as G/T students Harlem students (Region 10) in regular classrooms & those identified as G/T students
Project CRITICAL The The objectives CRITICAL objectives
& I n-service T raining: C urriculum R estructuring & I n-service T raining: Our new Internet applications Our new Internet applications CRITICAL’s Problem-Based Learning Models CRITICAL’s Problem-Based Learning Models Gifted Theorists’ Models: Gifted Theorists’ Models: Joe Renzulli, Howard Gardner
I dentification A new identification system for G/T created by Joe Renzulli, Jim Borland, and Lisa Wright
Renzulli’s Three-Ring Concept
C omputer A pplications The Public Policy Analyst
L earning standards Helping all students to improve academic performance Helping all students to improve academic performance
Benefits: Teachers Teachers become technology- proficient
Benefits: Teachers Technology Technology integration skills Training Training on G/T theorists on curriculum differentiation
Benefits: Students Identifying talented students and meeting their academic needs
Benefits: Students Technology-proficient Academic standards Enhanced Curricula Employable skills
Project CRITICAL: Phone
Project LEGAL:
Project CRITICAL: Web Page