Nazi Genocide: The Holocaust in Europe What events led to the Final Solution?
Relocation to the Ghettos After Kristallnacht, Jews in Germany ready to leave 400K Jews had already immigrated to Palestine British stop immigration to Palestine, not sure what to do with Arabs Jews look elsewhere, ships carrying Jewish immigrants like St. Louis were not permitted into US & other countries When Nazis realized Jews couldn’t leave Germany, they began to deport Jews into segregated ghettos, mostly in Poland Jews would be identified and forced to wear the Star of David
The Final Solution Nazis developed a plan of genocide called “the Final Solution” Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Slavs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals & Communists will be eliminated in the Holocaust SS killing squads shot people & bury the bodies in mass graves Not quick enough so Nazis again turn to poison gas (Zyklon-B) 1942: People are shipped to concentration camps, mostly in Poland, “Death Camps” had huge gas chambers that could kill up to 6K a day Auschwitz was the largest and most notorious of the camps Some like, Nazi businessman Oskar Schindler try to help Jews from being sent to camps by using his business connections Events that led to the Holocaust: Mein Kampf - Propaganda - Nuremberg Laws – Kristallnacht – Deportation to Ghettos – Final Solution
Amen directed by Costa-Gavras 1.What were the Nazis doing to people with disabilities in Germany? 2.How does the Catholic Church respond to the Nazi plan to eliminate “ unproductive ” citizens? 3. At the camp, how does the reaction of Lt. Gerstein differ from the rest of the SS officers? 4. What do you think the term “ unit ” means and why do you think Hess uses that term?