Mrs. Goff’s Health Class Rules and Regulations
First things First… Let’s get you organized into groups!!! Together we can achieve more!
Class Rules: Be Respectful! Try Your Best! Sign out when you leave the room
Class Regulations: No Cell Phones in Class! First time warning. Second time I take it and you lose 20 points, or your points for the day. Third Time Write up
No i-Touch or Headphones First time warning. Second time I take it and you lose 20 points from your participation grade. Third Time is a letter drop in your grade.
Don’t abuse the bathroom privilege! You each get four bathroom passes total for the 4 weeks of health, use them wisely.
Don’t be late to class! First Time: Warning Second Time: Call Home Third Time: Write Up
Late Assignments will result in a loss of 10 points per day for each day the assignment is not turned in
No Food or drinks are permitted in the classroom except water! 1 st time: Warning 2 nd time: Loss of daily points and food/drink must be thrown out 3 rd time: Write up
Be in Dress Code when class begins! First time you will be written up and sent to the office.
Please, Please, Please… Do not talk when I am talking!
These are Mrs. Goff’s Rules and Regulations for Health. I promise to have some fun, work hard, and respect you! I hope you promise the same… Please sign below stating Mrs. Goff’s Health Rules and Regulations have been explained to you.
Entering class procedure… Upon entering class on time… Take out guided notes Write down learning goal(s) from board Answer questions 1 and 2 about learning goal(s) Discuss answers with group Choose one answer for each question to share
Daily Learning Goal Questions: 1. What do I know about this already? 2. What do I want to know about this? 3. What did I learn about this? 4. How will I use this in my life?
Wrap-up procedure… Upon being told to wrap up… Turn back to learning goal page of guided notes Answer questions 3 and 4 Discuss answers with group Choose best answer for each question and be ready to share
Here’s to a great class!