A European manifesto for sustainable heating and cooling of buildings
Our buildings
ETS sector: Manufacturing and ETS sector: Manufacturing and Energy production TransportHeating and cooling of buildings Electric appliances Reduce final energy by 9% by Set binding EU targets in 2010 for reducing overall primary energy consumption by at least 20% in the coming decade EU intentions (EEA Plan and ESD): Reduce primary energy by 20% by 2020 against BAU 1. Get serious about energy saving as a core strategic goal for the EU
Very little has been done to guarantee meeting the commitment A legally binding EU energy saving target is urgently required! Set binding EU targets in 2010 for reducing overall primary energy consumption by at least 20% in the coming decade EU climate objectives are built on achieving in 2020 the 20% energy saving commitment, but so far only 8.5% will be achieved with the actions in place.
1. Get serious about energy saving as a core strategic goal for the EU The target must be guided by the required EU contributions to prevent dangerous climate change in a sustainable manner. Energy saving reduces dependencies and our ecological footprint and helps poor households
Ecodesign & Labelling Rid the EU market of wasteful products Promote best systems Redirect finance where it matters EU & national funds Stimulus packages EBPD Boost the energy performance of EU building stock at national level Binding EU energy saving target 2. Framework: Establish more coherent legislation
There is no measurable objective to guide the implementation of the three directives There is not yet a coordinated approach for dealing with systems National building codes could conflict with EU minimum requirements Adopt a legal framework by 2011 which ensures that EU directives contribute fully to the 20% saving target Set and monitor national saving targets Support national actions Enable national building codes to go beyond EU minimum requirements 2. Framework: Establish more corherent legislation
3. Boost the energy performance of EU building stock The current revision is a welcome opportunity to fully transform the buildings sector Ensure that all new buildings are net zero energy by 2015 Introduce installation requirements Energy Performance Certificate should help to choose the most appropriate heating and cooling system Set renovation targets in order to achieve at least a doubling of current renovation rates Increase professional training of / incentives for designers, builders and installers to deliver environmental and cost-effective energy services EBPD Revision National implementation
4. Rid the market of wasteful products and promote best systems
Set minimum requirements at or above least life cycle cost (e.g. condensing boiler) 4. Rid the market of wasteful products and promote best systems Review minimim requirements every 3-5 years Establish a clear EU energy label for the whole system Increase the transparency of decision-making Ambitious requirements could reduce energy consumption by one third if minimum requirements are that at least lifecycle cost level Recent regulatory proposals would set requirements significantly below those levels Ensure world efficency leadership of EU products
Commit more money from economic recovery packages and EU structural funds EU funds are a key funding source for energy efficency boosting emission reduction initiatives alleviating fuel poverty creating job opportunities 5.Redirect finance where it matters EU funds and national funding, stimulus packages Introduce tailored programmes targeting heating and cooling systmes in all member states by 2012 After 2013, increase allocation of ERDF to energy saving projects
Set binding EU targets in 2010 Reduce overall primary energy consumption by at least 20% in the coming decade! Warm homes, cool products Make energy saving a top priority For public and policy! End energy wasted for heating and cooling our buildings! Join us and sign the manifesto!